braces BEEFERS

71  2019-03-22 by DannedFromBrama



why so many big tits got huge nips? these are cute

why so many big tits got huge nips? these are cute

It's basically the easiest way to tell if a girl has real boobs... real boobs have real big nipples, because they grew that big gradually.

Untrue. Find a busty petite, you can find true tits like this everywhere.

Untrue. Find a busty petite, you can find true tits like this everywhere.

That's been my life's work!

This girl, her boobs will get a LOT bigger. Probably double this size.

Most of the girls on the BustyPetite sub are super young.

Kay Kay is cute.

Those thirsty dudes in the comments are pathetic.

Still respect them more than Jim norton.

Anyone is more respectable than the worm

He’s probably one of them

I assume most are indian

i was going through one of her posts and a user said "Holy fucking boobies, Batman." I am truly disgusted about how pathetic some of these losers are. She sure has great tits but what sane person would do that

What is a dude like that thinking? She'll be so overcome with his sweet batman reference that she'll insist on pulling down his jorts and sucking on his mushroom?

lack self awareness/control. I dont get why these men act like if they have any chance with girls online.

who even is this

its not any less pathetic than the drooling virgin faggots in here. shit is embarrassing

also, opie is an active pedophile

Is this legal to look at? Just checkin'.

at least we know you are not anthony cumia

Too late now, might as well batch.

The correct nomenclature is "age"

People who find braces attractive are pedos


I only like them on grandmas

How do you feel about nanas?

Only porcelain toilet teeth on Nanas.

What if they’re on 30 year old Mexican whores?

It's just incomprehensible how big boobs have become.

Marilyn Monroe was considered "busty" in 1960:

Was she really considered "busty"? Or was she just the most high-profile whore to show her tits?


Jayne Mansfield was famous for having ENORMOUS boobs:

In 2019, they'd barely be considered "large."

Women have never had bigger boobs than now, it is historically unprecedented. They just keep getting bigger.

You say that like it's a problem.

Indeed. What a time to be alive.

It's the hormones in the milk and the food probably. Men have bigger tits now than in any time in history too.

You wanna suck em'?

They didn't have good fake tits back then. And less hormones in food.

Here's a map of boob size vs geography. To no one's surprise:

1) There's a weird correlation between latitude and boob size. I'm guessing this is because of evolution; if your ancestors were born in Russia and weren't able to store fat on their body, they would freeze to death. You see this in the U.S. too; girls in Seattle have huge boobs.

2) China has the smallest boobs in the world.

I'm calling BS on that Data.
At best, I'm afraid it's terribly skewed by how fat a state/country is.

I'd love to find "BMI adjusted" average cup size stats. Doubt they exist.

Hitomi Tanaka's monstrosities should've raised the Japanese average, surely?



You ruined it Bobby, you big fat pig.

Her nips are oddly small.

Very pedo. Well done

shes one of those pay for private cam show hoe

lack self awareness/control. I dont get why these men act like if they have any chance with girls online.

Was she really considered "busty"? Or was she just the most high-profile whore to show her tits?

They didn't have good fake tits back then. And less hormones in food.