
70  2019-03-22 by CacaDick


In jim's mind: "mannn, that is a nice sturdy shoulder. I'd love to have him pin me down and slap my face with his big black cock. Motherrrfuckkk"

Jim's rules he has to wear a dress and a wig to still deny being gay

Equally relevant

Remember when bow wow got beat up by his girlfriend?

When I was a kid my cousin to me me that little bow wow got raped so badly by his limo driver that he needed many stitches and rectal reconstructive surgery. I never believed him until one day somebody posted the police report online.

I genuinely still don't know if that story is real or not and refuse to check. He is a deluded goofy motherfucker like everyone from OnA but at least he doesn't fuck kids.

I don't know, black dudes who wear contacts give off the pedo kind of vibe.

I heard that too. Fucking crazy shit, I feel sorry for him.

Why he signing pics of Pitbull, though?

They are worth more

Only one or these people made it into a successful movie franchise.

I wonder what Lil Romeo looks like these days.

check out an ECPI commercial

One sharpie. People less delusional than Anthony Cumia.

Jim sees the stack of photos and the Sharpie and doesn't care who it is. There's no way Granny Norton could even hum one bar of any Bow Wow song, which is the exact reason he has to sign photos at a golf course for white people while real rappers get their dicks sucked.