Patrick S. Tomlinson just uploaded this to his Facebook and then quickly deleted it. Can we cancel this guy already?

17  2019-03-22 by afallenworld


I always knew he was a racist piece of shit

He disgusts me.

“Not fat, child.”

This is obviously real.He said himself that anyone in a maga hat is a literal Nazi that should be beaten. What a hypocrite.

He has such dead, haunted eyes

I downloaded the Turner Diaries to read, will I turn into a Nazi after reading it?

I’m more offended about his recent comments about slavery. “Reinstate it? We should have never gotten rid of it because the negro was built to serve the white race.” I’m just overall disgusted by this man’s continuous hateful bigotry.

The turner diaries is unironically good

It's really not. It brought a lot of funny words/concepts into the zeitgeist but it has honestly terrible prose and more paper thin characters than Harry Potter.

I'm almost positive that this man is a homosexual.