Hey, you little pipsqueaks better not be making fun of any women of color on here. I'm not black but I have friends who are... I can't really identify with what they go through, its a rollercoaster I don't have permission to ride.

217  2019-03-22 by DannedFromBrama


Someone shot my friend and I'm, like, real broke up about it

I once met Henry Rollins after a spoken word event. He invited me back to his room and once the door was closed he forced me down and ripped off my pants. Once he saw my unit he shoved it down his throat and passionately sucked me off until I busted into his Anderson Cooper hair.

Then he went on a rant for like 20 minutes talking about how he hated "cunts and niggers." I was disgusted and left.

That might've made me hard again tbh

2/10 weak

2/10 weak is 8/10 strong. A pretty good review.

did he block the doorway while masturbating, and ejaculate right when you walk out the door?

youre such a hero for your ordeal

You too?

I believe you.

Rollin' by Limp Bizkit is musically superior to this secret jew cracker

That's a lawn I'm not ready to mow.

That's a nail I'm not ready to hammer

Those are sheets I'm not qualified to fold

These are burger patties I shouldn’t grill

That’s a car I’m not about to wash.

That is cotton I shouldn't pick

That's a water fountain I ain't drinking at

This is a meme I don't understand

That is a cross I’m not willing to burn but willing to bear.

That’s a hood I’m not willing to wear

Now everyone of you should come out to your families as reddit fags

That's a Panera sandwich I'm not willing to make

That is a conversation I’m not willing to have.

That's a bus I simply don't have a ticket for.

This is a clogged toilet I'm not equipped to plunge

That's a dick I'm not ready to suck

Nice heteronormative behavior, stupid.

All you faggots in this chain or no better than the people on the other subs.

Said the faggot

Ok. I’m not the one that started a Reddit chain of hilariousness. Go back to the defaults you cock smoker. You are no better than the autistics that continue song lyrics.

Nice Henry Rollins impression, Mr. Tough-Guy Homo. Realize you're a massive fucking faggot like everyone you hate for even being on this site.

Wtf are you talking about? So anytime anyone disagrees with you they are doing a Henry Rollins impression? You literally started a faggy chain. Kill yourself. And yes I am a faggot for entertaining this conversation with you. So I’m done.

Make sure to complain like a woman and say literally while doing it like a fucking faggot next time you see something that annoys you on reddit you fucking cunt.

Ok. Enjoy your comment chain brah. Maybe next time you’ll get a pun chain going. Pretty soon you’ll move up to the big leagues, getting song lyric chains going on Askreddit. lol at your queer life.

I don't care about the chains, sir. It was simply a joke and quite frankly, you're being a massive fucking faggot about it.

Lol. You’ve reacted so poorly to my comments. I’ll offer a truce. Let’s touch dick tips and move on.

said the faggot.

Well I tried.

This was a wall you weren't ready to climb.

That was a potato he wasn't ready to peel

Hey bro, you're gay


reported for homophobia

That’s a house that I cannot paint an ugly shade of purple before it gets repossessed!

Thats a dangling girlfriend I'm struggling to keep hold of.

That's a bus I'm not riding

It's a bridge I wont cross

A job I shall not do

It's a star I will follow

That last sentence is exactly something he would say

i almost wish death to any person who would pay money to go see this fucking douchebag speak

Why just almost?

well the logistics.. it seems hard to track them all down. if i tried to show up to his speaking show to catch them all in one place i would end up hearing the pussy speak then have to shoot myself.

Ant likes to take pics of them

Oh god, did he actually say that last line?


That's a chitlin I ain't qualified to de-turd.

Drugs and alcohol? No thanks, pal. The only things I get high on are: working out, eating right and defending social justice.

I annihilate racists with reason and intellect.

Henry Rollins OWNS racist using REASON and LOGIC

Henry Rollins best friend DESTROYED by home intruders.

I don't know what cocaine is but it's like hey there are people in Jahar that use car wheels to turn on their stereos and you expect me to kiss a woman? Sorry sweetie not happening, move along.

Well I'm glad you asked Joe Rogan.. it was there in Mozambique where I hunted with the ninchuchu tribe. I realized I'm no greater a person than these people after drinking iowaska.

Richard Pryors biggest fan

Bullshit. I’ve been listening to Pryor since he was like, minus zero.

Rollins is that guy that doesn’t do what you do but seems to think he knows everything about it.

His facial expression is all business, you guys. So natural and so intimidating, and he doesn’t practice in a mirror or fantasize about what other people may think of him if he makes this face.

5' 9" is not a guy that commands physical respect.

Is Danzig really 5' 3"? No wonder he got knocked out.

Danzig was in his sixties when that happened. It didn't matter how little he is. A late dinner would have knocked him out.

And whatever mallcore lardass it was who punched him wrote a book about the time he punched Danzig. Faggotry beyond belief.

Oh shit, bragging about hitting a small old man is not tough.

Yeah Danzig got what he deserved in that situation, but he also got punched in the face by a huge dude that could probably knock most people out.

uch, rollins posting is getting a little old, similar to my dad. it just ain't a channel i'm turning on

He's a jew

Hey this fella once got a tattoo while on a dune buggy so he must be cool

He killed a guy and blamed it on a roving pack of niggers. Real woke, Hank.

"I'm not black, but my best friend was shot by blacks, I'm now adamantly anti-gun"

Yet another Kike that is politically active and critical of everything white culture, yet remains mute on Israel and its ethnic policies.

Does he really need two of the same misfits tattoos?

So, do you think Rollins and Rogan have ever fucked each other? I say "probably."


Why does he always look so disgruntled? Tell him to cheer up, things ain't so bad!

Autism is a helluva drug.

Piece of shit left his buddy to die in a robbery like the tiny dicked coward he is. Closet fag as well.

That's a water fountain I ain't drinking at

Oh shit, bragging about hitting a small old man is not tough.

Yeah Danzig got what he deserved in that situation, but he also got punched in the face by a huge dude that could probably knock most people out.

Henry Rollins OWNS racist using REASON and LOGIC

Henry Rollins best friend DESTROYED by home intruders.