According to Ron and Fez, Brother Joe has a stent.

25  2019-03-21 by RBuddCumia

I can’t remember which clip but I’ve heard it brought up multiple times on the show. I guess Joe has to copy everything his baby brother does.


I think I remember him mentioning it in a Facebook post about how robustly healthy he is or something

take your tits out for fucks sake

I'm too lazy to brush the tortilla chip crumbs off of them sorry

leave the crumbs

He's also 6 2" and lunches with the stars schedule permitting dontcha know.

Don't know what the guy did to put any mileage on that lardbody. Man's never worked.

You’re forgetting his years of service he gave to those potatoes.

They must chuck the cooks out of the plane with the supplies on their backs. Love the thud of 500lb taterpara hitting the deck.

52nd Airborne Dish

Anthony mentioned in his leaflet that his grandfather died of a heart attack in his 40s and Joe Sr keeled over in his 50s, so bum tickers clearly run in the family.

Both Anthony and Joe have stents. Anthony admitted it on a show and Joe posted an X-ray of his stent after he got his.

When di Anthony get his? I know we like to joke about how old Nana is, but, damn, heart attack in his 50s?
Both brothers getting stents before turning 60?


It was either in his late 40's or early 50's. Danny and that Dugout Dug dude also confirmed it. Doug said he's had 2 heart attacks. Anthony doesn't like talking about it for ego reasons. He likes to portray himself as a young Playboy who gets all the young poon. Another reason for the ridiculous looking soy sauce colored hair plugs.

Ànts had a heart attack as well already. Less than 10 years before they are all dead.

leave the crumbs