Hidden Camera: Jim Jefferies EXPOSED

430  2019-03-21 by debonairgarbage


Can one of you nerds give me some links to the most damning Jefferies' hypocrisy material? I want to send it to this guy.

u/beigefrequency, comment?

McMuffin already linked my video it covers the most interesting shit.

I don't know if you make money from your videos, but this seems like a gift from God to get more eyes on your documentary. Here are about 100 opportunities to link to your documentary and have it gain steam.


Jim Jefferies, 2012:

"Muhammed is a fag."

"Muhammed is a whinger."

"You're all nutjobs. You make your women dress like ninjas? Fucking nutjob. Cut a clitoris off? You're a fucking nutjob. Not eating certain foods for a month while the sun comes up & goes down? Fuck off you fucking nut job."

"I've met plenty of nice Muslims in my day that weren't fanatical and weren't nut jobs -- I lied, I've never met one."


He really back peddled on the truth to sell out didnt he?

Thanks. I sent it to that despicable kike to do his Jew magic with.

'This kind of intolerance is being tolerated....'

Nice writing, stupid.

It's almost like people have...tolerance...for opposing beliefs

It's unimaginable. In 2019, no less!


I'd like to see him lose everything.

Like what?

His life

Unfortunately, he won't. He'll make an apology stating:

"I don't know what happens behind the scenes, and I will still take responsibility as it is my content. Going forward, I'll be working my hardest to present the facts as honestly as possible, and will be working with my team to make sure that nothing is taken out of context or misconstrued. With that said, LET'S GET TO THE FUNNY XD."

People are still too fervent or apathetic about the shooting that this will pass over easily. The destruction of frauds like Jefferies has to be done like a case building evidence. The fact that Jefferies has been a critic of all religions and then suddenly panders to a political stance of unilateral defense of religions he feels threatened is the most disingenuous shit.

Obviously the shooting was fucked up, but at least stand by your fucking principles you middle-aged, converse-wearing sellout.

“Oy, I’ve been accused of bein’ a manipulative hypocritical cunt in the way I talk to people on me show, but Imma take a lie detector on me next episode and publish the results unedited. That’ll show these right wing wankers.”

I remember when Amy was going to do a lie detector test to prove she didn't steal jokes on her show and "now matter what will show the results".

She never did it. I think Hannity will be waterboarded before that ever happens.

exacty only a retard would think liberals don't get passes to do shit that conservatives would lose their jobs over. and its been this way for 50 years. Amy is still famous and getting roles for a reason. Jim will survive this too

“At the end of the day we’re still a comedy show.” Plus most people watching it probably thinks that guy is an idiot and wrong anyways so I doubt they’re going to be upset they did that. Dipaolo said they steamrolled him on the Larry Wilmore Show because they didn’t agree with him. None of this is surprising and this isn’t taking Jim Jefferies down so settle down everybody.

Plus most people watching it probably thinks that guy is an idiot and wrong anyways

thats pretty much what the reddit comments said. even the non-US people are amazed at how faggoty the left has gotten

Who the fuck is Larry Wilmore?

Wish this guy would of waved a banana in front of him.

This guy is a real ass dude i just hope he doesn't get raped by Jim's legal team for this

Don't know what they could possibly do. He's fucked if it gets a lot of views.

Gavin made a similar video about the daily show and it has like 2-3 million views, so it probably will

It's at 750k. It has legs.

Exactly. He wasn't in a public place and recorded them without their knowledge ( I presume ). Maybe he made some agreement that he would only be on if he could record stuff for his YouTube channel?

Oh, and I hope Jim loses his show cause he's a sellout faggot.

They were recording him, they have zero basis for a lawsuit, its mutaul agreement for video taping / recording

He is such a fucking disgrace. Can't wait until the mob come for him for his past indiscretions.

Ayyye nyyye there's pitchforks outside me house

Ayye that's terrribule!

This is worse than fackin Port Arthur moite

Oyyy I was doin' a Republican characta. Oy noyy.

this fits my theory about most leftists; deep down they're horrible people, & they assume everybody must be as shitty as them, they're projecting.

Also over compensation due to guilt. Like the Pastor who's always talking about the evils of homosexuality but gets caught in a bath house.

i feel like people who are super, super obsessed with pedophilia have some of this going on too

maybe but then how do you explain people like Cumia? like he can't be that much of an outlier. too many pedos online are more like him than some pedo crusader

what i meant is that people who are obsessed with going after pedophiles are doing so because they feel guilt/shame about possessing some of the characteristics themselves, in similar manner as overzealous anti-gay preachers who get caught sucking cock at glory holes


he is into boys. also pedo conspiracies are the JQ for dimwits

He probably molested that older boy

Mullen got touched funny as a kid, though, which is probably driving it.

He definitely molested that older boy


What in this clip makes him a horrible person? I don’t get it.


I assume that with most people. Stop being a political faggot

You're just mad he said "leftists". If he said conservatives you would have smiled and nodded you cocksucking liberal faggot.

That's just not the casse, deep_legal_shit. Only a fucking retard would think this sub is a place for political discussion

You're angry that you're the same degenerate left piece of shit. Cock smoking faggot, fall on a knife.

That's not true, I don't live anywhere near LA

fall on a knife.

Nice lame Jim Norton insult, stupid

/u/deep_legal_shit this faggot thinks I'm you 😂


People accuse me of being other people so much I'm starting to believe it too.


there's no mde refugees. all the accounts/votes are me and my alts.

I assume that anyone who uses either of those words to insult is retarded

That’s not secret though, to people like us anyway. I have a theory that there’s no such thing as a far left. For that to happen you’d have to be an extreme progressive and even the most accepting people are only such on the surface.

Jim’s a comedian first, a perverse retard 2nd and a journalist 10th. So anything he says is redundant to the fact he’s trying to make people laugh first.

He’s just a puppet for some horseshit agenda from people who think they’re far left.

I didn’t know Jeffries had a gun.

I’m in faggy allegories ofcourse.

He is definitely not trying to make people laugh first anymore, because that's clearly not what his show does to people now

I’ll take that. And his stand up has steadily gotten shitter and shitter as he’s dived headfirst into the hollywood anus.

I’d rather blame the adult who put the gun in the retarded austrailians hands than the retard himself.

wrong. the blame is on the people writing the immigration laws.

There was this podcast I would listen too by stephan molineux specifically the caller segments and one time way before the metoo stuff started coming out a older chick called and in and they got into why all these rich beautiful talented(and presumably"privileged") A list actresses in Hollywood alway go on about oppression, treatment of women etc etc to the point where regular women would go -chill bitch. .. So this old broad basically stated(and she sounded like she was in the know) that that's how women are treated in liberal leftie Jewliwood tjat they are being opressed brutalized raped and passed around by these high level producers.. so that's their reality and basically what she said was true, if anything this whole metoo shit is just a smokescreen to hide some other even deeper pedojew shit(which would explain why all female child stars grow uo to be batshit drug addicts)

kevin spacey assaulted a 14 yo at his party

no one asks why all these celebs felt comfortable going to a party with 14 yo, almost like its common


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people who make new accounts to post angry responses to non-left takes on this sub remind me of chapo faggots on r/cumtown

what do you think about Mullen avoiding mention the movie he's in? i think the midget is scared he'll be cut out.

I totally think that’s what’s going on. If the pedojew scandal ever gets exposed, it’ll be way bigger than metoo. If you believe some of the stuff on crazydaysandnights, some of the highest A+ list actors and directors are unbelievably depraved and sick pedophiles.

they assume everybody must be as shitty as them

Well, the assumption is right at least. The real problem is they've convinced themselves they're not horrible people, only those they disagree with are horrible people.

If you're really curious why leftists are shit, there's an extremely simple answer: they have human DNA. I understand why 99% of people don't want to face the fact that that's empirical. Most of us have/had sweet old grandmothers who we could never imagine being a piece of shit. The only reason they seem so sweet is because they are/were old, and behaved differently than they did when they were young. Get in a time machine and go back to when they were 19 and look at their behavior. Bet you they were wrecking happy homes and who knows what else.

Given the viciousness quality of the competition, does anyone really think we made it to the top of this food chain by being nice?

Based and redpilled.

And they're all being exposed very quickly at the same time. The universe is sorting itself out.

That's definitely not "most" leftists. "Most" leftists are ordinary people who believe in viable economic opportunity for all and in generally giving people a fair quality of life. The ones you're referring to are just the loudest ones. They are as unbearable to us as they are to you.

They are as unbearable to us as they are to you.

and most people in the Klan aren't racist either they are just a part of it because of the community aspects and believe in viable economic opportunity for all and in generally giving people a fair quality of life.

(thats how retarded you sound defending agreeing with these faggots)

You think that saying the KKK aren't racists is the same as saying that most left-leaning people aren't evil? Okay pal.

you do know leftist politics existed before 2012 yeah?

You must be fucking retarded. kkk is a far leaning ideology. Left leaning people comprise a huge range. In essense, you must be fucking retarded.

It depends on what you consider left. Most "leftists" would consider fairness to be an imperialistic abomination that should be stricken so that land seizures, pogroms, ethnic cleansings can proceed freely for the good of the revolution, if you define "leftist" a certain way. You can find a leftist who will wail and screech against sensible health care and education reforms because they don't inordinately overcompensate a certain skin tone, literally. Then call you a centrist as if it were a demeaning word. In the internet age, the crazies are more obese and confined, but back in the day, they all had AK's and invaded countries.

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if white, their reaction to racism is inverted punitive action. they know they feel the same prejudice, disgust, and dislike of non-whites that a "racist" does, hate themselves for being guilty, and take it out on others. it's almost a religious thing, a self preservation technique - they want to keep the mob directed towards another sinner so their own sins aren't put in the spotlight.

if brown or yellow, well then even a toddler could understand what's going on.

Nice comma that should be a semicolon stupid.

It’s over Jim

nah - he will "take greater responsibility in the future" and will be forgiven

As a casual observer. This shit is BORING AS FUCK

sad thing is would something like this ever get out? It like the indian maga kid, how much correction media got out? the story was dropped.

There seems to be some kind of concerted effort to shield Jim from this kind of backlash, since he’s seeming like a prospective new cash cow.

But he’s been flagged as a phony pretty hard, and there are a lot of people who’re pissed about it. I think he’s eventually gonna have to reckon with all this. It reminds me of the Louis situation. Even though it seemed like it was never gonna stick, it eventually had to. The inertia was too much.

This overdramatic kike is releasing it to his patreon patrons, so you have to pony up some cash to spread the word.

Idc about muslims or politics but its nice to see this faux jon stewart taken down a peg. Fake ass bitch.

I am Australian, don't pay attention to Australians. Foreigners who shit on the country they are a guest of, pisses me off.

They did the same thing to Gavin on the Daily Show. He was talking about the women's soccer team not being paid the same as the mens team. And they took his incredibly sarcastic answer and tried to make it seem like he was really saying it. They were like "can you name 3 mens players". And Gavin is not a sports fan at all, so he couldn't. So he just jokingly says things like "Ziggly Ziggerson". And they edited over it, with a voice saying "Nope got that one wrong", like he was seriously saying Ziggly Ziggerson is a soccer player.

He's an actual puppet now. Wonder how that feels. The american dream. Wtf you name your son "hank" anyway? Are you that devoid of any authentic thought or sincere emotion that even your kid's existence has to be a le funny caveat to you. Wankstain

What's the significance of naming his son Hank?

He's a gen x druggie who grew up in Australia and London. The name Hank means nothing to him except a funny ha im in america sound. Btw nobody outside of america is called hank

Summary of video?

I don't think any of us care if you watch it or not. The last thing any of us are going to do is help you be lazy.


comedy central is creepy

The problem is, there are hours & hours of Jim saying worse shit. I think his show just isn’t big enough for people to destroy him. No one ever talks about his show. This guy is acting like Jim is Rachel Maddow.

If Jim’s show ever hits, he’s going to be done immediately anyway. This video existing or not, the left will eat him alive. We all know this. When this guy is like “will the left condemn him?”, say what you want about liberals but they have no problem destroying one of their own. Especially if it’s a straight white guy. So the issue isn’t hypocrisy it’s obscurity. His show is irrelevant. No one cares

The left gives other liberals a pass, they can say or do whatever they want unpunished. Just look at the Blackface Governor of Virginia.

See, that is complete bullshit. Every democrat and liberal was demanding he resigned. It was a feeding frenzy. Just YouTube any msnbc clip about that issue. The fact that you think that they have him a pass exposes you to living in some insane bubble. I couldn’t imagine having that distorted opinion on reality

Is that supposed to be sarcastic? Get the fuck out of of my face faggit. Had the guy been anything but a Democrat they would be literally burning down the Governors mansion.

Just look at the James Gunn return vs Roseanne.

Even Louis had to be 'revised' as an alt right.

You are out of your mind. Anyone who uses the phrase “if it was the other party they’d burn down blah blah blah” is not a person living in reality. There have been all sorts of scandals with all types of politicians and no one burns down anything. I’d love to know what garbage you feed your brain with to get you into this state of fantasy

You sound just like the typical young angtsy communist subreddit dweller.. If you don't see the hypocrisy then you need to have your head examined. Just look at that stupid bitch Megyn Kelly getting fired over "comments" vs Jimmy Kimmel for doing an entire blackface bit, or Roseanne, etc..

He didn't respond to my legit criticism of his take (below), so I guess he's just above it all.

Abarf is a little bitch. Don't worry about him/her. More than likely a dude but they bitch on reddit like a teenage girl

They took out al franken, and then learned their lesson

Nice faggit, faggot.

I haven't been following it, is he still in office? The most recent thing I found with a brief google search was this NPR article. Apparently the AG initially didn't call for his resignation (also caught with blackface, lol), then a day later did, and does not anymore. Usually if your own party turns on you in entirety you end up taking a hike, no?


Interesting, you got a downvote for that, but no counter-argument. You'd think people so passionate about a position would be able to actually defend it.

He was busy owning burnt chyysler. No way he had time to back up his statements.

I got one go fuck your mother

another uninformed rightwing sack of shit comment. Every goddamn dem was calling for his resignation. Jesus fucking Christ

Shut up faggot

Jefferies(real name Nugent) is the very definition of a sellout. He doesn't believe 90% of the shit he s spilling. I've listened to all his oanda stuff, was a big fan of his podcast (talking shit with jim Jefferies andeddie ifft)
etc when he was too obscure to hide his true personality which was a really funny denegerate druggie with a narcissistic personality disorder.

Once he got a little bit of fame(ironically from his oanda appearances and his edgy standup) he basically abandoned his friends in Venice Beach he wouldn't even go to the wedding of his presumably best friend Eddie Ifft. Then he had that tv show that bombed and only then did he become this sjw-lite hardass. He went through at leadt 3 complete personality changes not to mention his faggotino opera singet days(really). Either hes done some really creepy shit or he really really loves fame and money bc it is a psycho level of detachment

was a big fan of his podcast (talking shit with jim Jefferies andeddie ifft)


speaking of, I'm unable to find older episodes anywhere - does someone have them saved online or on an old hard drive maybe?

He had them scrubbed from the internet because they show his true Hebrew like nature.

oyyy veyyy

oyyy neyyy

I searched high and low a while back and couldn't find any. This was when Beige was working on his Jim Jeffries doc.

fuckin' nationless gypsie is what he is. cozied up to the warmth like a rat and forgot about the cold he came from.

You're making him out to be more interesting than he is. He's just another attention-seeking fag who would do literally anything to be famous.

"Golden Handcuffs"
Got a taste of fame and will do anything to be relevant

Oh I like Jim'o. Typical loud mouth Aussie twat. But has his moments.

Tbh he's a clever cunt and I don't mean he will fit you a car stereo. He knows how to play the yankee PC culture to a pound. And American liberal twats lap it up.

he's a clever cunt and I don't mean he will fit you a car stereo.

What a godawful attempt at a colloquialism. Be less british.

But I am :(

One of those rare breeds of white tiger O&A fans the other side of the pond.

All brits are irredeemable.

We get a bad rep. You should come across and try our shitty food.

English breakfast? Yuck.

Ok need to pull you up on this. A proper English fry up is possibly one of the greatest things ever created.


I don't see anything different except for the tomatoes and mushrooms, beans, and blood sausage.

I like the tomatoes and mushrooms part. Or ... "bit". I've been grilling tomatoes as a side vegetable for dinners more and more frequently. Especially since the tomatoes in my garden get better every year.

Blood sausage is fucking gross.

Beans for breakfast is just retarded. They just kind of suck in general anyway. At best they have some minor value as nostalgia for cook-outs. They're about as exciting as potato salad.

The one time I visited I will admit I did appreciate fish and chips, especially putting malt vinegar on. I like the way it wafts out of the paper-lined basket. I got masala by mistake. Both my aunt and I ordered it because we thought it said chicken marsala. We barely ate any and ate somewhere else an hour later. Curry sucks and should be banned from the planet. British people too.

You mean black pudding... 🙃

It’s lovely until you find out what’s in it then you make that morale decision of either going. Fuck that. I’m not eating that shit.


Fuck that it tastes nice ... fuck it

I just never liked him because I didn’t think his “degenerate with an accent” act was funny on O&A. Vulgarity for the sake of it is almost never funny. I never believed most of his stories. He played up his accent when it suited him. He was a phony even then.

good glad hes getting whats coming to him what a clever jewish man

jewing the jew

The goy never learns,does he.

As Norm MAC Donald said mocking Murderer Patton Oswalt's comments on Dr Cosby and his raping .

" the worst part is the hypocrisy "

I can’t even hate watch him, he’s so fucking shit I can’t hear his voice

"join my Jew patreon to see this footage"

Who let this faggot survive the Christchurch shooting?

fuck both of them.

It really is a tough one man, but to me taking down all the fags from the ona show is always a top priority

he complains about his interview being edited and cut, yet he does the same thing with his footage at the end of the video where he cuts a bunch of places where jim jeffreys makes fun of islam.. both of these people are equally as annoying and hypocritical

4D chess. Whats jims response gonna be? "He edited me out of context!"

Every aussie needs to take responsibility for the NZ shooting, their inherent genetic predisposition to shitposting has resulted in the death of 50 peaceful, tolerant oppressed feminist muslims.

Nice pink shirt, stupid.

Holy shit boys it's happening. Share this with as many people as possible. I want this soy drinking faggot hung in the street.

Saving for later lifting now

There's a save button you dipshit.

I'm not a redditor you fucking faggot. Dont expect me to learn how your gay shithole site works anal worm.

Did he really just unironically sing Imagine to illustrate his stupid, unrealistic proggie point?

Always loved his O&A appearances. Saw him live before he became a pussy and loved it. Shame he's a lib sell out

Lol this faggot wouldn't say anything about his own. Don't take your marching orders from Jewish Zionists

This really made my day. Hope this cunt really gets it good

Ah this guy sucks.

Derp I'm not a neo Nazi

Let us see here:

  • drew muhammad (oh boy)
  • lied about his feelings towards muslims
  • edited content (I don't think the comic community, ya know, people who thrive on being honest even if it hurts will appreciate that
  • somewhat censors through editing

The comedy community is going to kill him

Same neck as Norton

Jim Jefferies is a rapist. He bragged about drugging up a teenager and then having sex with her.


in the coming days, as this gains attention will be the time to really expose this

Jim "I like to drug and rape underage girls" Jefferies.

And if you're a fan of his, there's a link on the sidebar to go chop it up with others!

I don't understand when Jim when from a shock comic to left wing SJW. I think it's around when he started getting a bunch of good attention from tweeting about gun control. He has so much dirt that would destory his new career.

ayyyyyeee nayyyyyeeee

the only proper comment here

This sub is still crying over any who is a lefty? Real men complain on a forum

This is a forum...

What a piece of fucking shit

Fuck boy shit

This is fookin rubish!

Should we send Big A after him?

It's almost as if Jim Jeffries was a hypocrite, smh

" what gives anyone the right to tell anyone where they can and cannot live"

I would be hard to organize a society with 7 billion people coming and going as they please


What a fucking scumbag. He gloats and loves trashing people on his show while his team is KNOWINGLY making them look bad. Wats worse is that he clearly seeks outs these people to interview/tarnish. I know you guys here don't probably like but Sam Tripoli mentioned him on his podcast tin foil hat. Basically, jefferies (who I'm assuming is friends with Sam based on the way Sam worded it) was asking him to go on his show and talk conspiracies. Sam denied because he could sense Jim was trying to bait him into exactly what this vid was. If that guy is willing to do it to his own pals, that's even more disgraceful.

It really is a tough one man, but to me taking down all the fags from the ona show is always a top priority


in the coming days, as this gains attention will be the time to really expose this

He definitely molested that older boy

Ok need to pull you up on this. A proper English fry up is possibly one of the greatest things ever created.


I don't see anything different except for the tomatoes and mushrooms, beans, and blood sausage.

I like the tomatoes and mushrooms part. Or ... "bit". I've been grilling tomatoes as a side vegetable for dinners more and more frequently. Especially since the tomatoes in my garden get better every year.

Blood sausage is fucking gross.

Beans for breakfast is just retarded. They just kind of suck in general anyway. At best they have some minor value as nostalgia for cook-outs. They're about as exciting as potato salad.

The one time I visited I will admit I did appreciate fish and chips, especially putting malt vinegar on. I like the way it wafts out of the paper-lined basket. I got masala by mistake. Both my aunt and I ordered it because we thought it said chicken marsala. We barely ate any and ate somewhere else an hour later. Curry sucks and should be banned from the planet. British people too.