White Supremacist Cuckold

20  2019-03-21 by SamGPHX


The goatee is a real manly look, child. Also good job hover-handing your own wife, stupid.

Or that see-through shirt or those asshole glasses. And we know she didn't respect that ring.

Then again, nobody respects life insurance agents.

Details man, I must know all the details. The only thing keeping me alive is my hate.

What a about aspiring Sci fi writers? I bet they get all the puss.

To be fair he has remarkably sweaty palms

Multiple black dudes have fucked this chick while he watched.

Thanks for the gold!

An appropriate way to sit in a picture alongside a woman. Nice memento, shithead. And also faggot ape.

Bosnian cab driver-looking mug. Go charge your Motorola Nextel two way, stupid.

Whoa! Wait.. is that a young Fatrick?

It is. The child strangling hand pose was what tipped me off.

Oh, and the pasty skin, the eye cleavage and the third developing chin...despite his trying to hide it with the prison pussy.

It's what he calls "The Florida Years"

Hilarious! God damn I love this Sub. Cheers to everyone here..

So he's always been fat?

Seeing this, it makes complete sense that he is so upset at losing his Twitter. All of his angry social media posts are just to get some attention because he's always been a pathetic goddamned loser.

I hope Kurt Eichenwold doesn’t stare at that shirt too long.

Wow she looks really gorgeous

I'm sure she's 60lbs heavier now, but she could definitely get it back then.

God damn OP I need to get on your level. Bravo for this find.

She looks like she's into black guys.

My first thought too. You know how you can look at a guy and know "that dude is incredibly gay"? Well, same with blond girls and black dick.

Some people on this sub have really weird fantasies.

just not a fan of coal burners

Holy shit I didn't recognize the fat cunt


He really is liberal Joe right down to the goatee.

I wonder if he still talked like a fat sassy black woman back then or if he still pretended to be straight.

That is not the facial expression of a satisfied woman.