Has there ever been a fanbase that has turned on itself more than O&A in this sub

25  2019-03-21 by ghostphotobeats

Those Star Wars faggots come to mind but they don't make memes about how George Lucas is a piece of shit pedophile. Not that he is one (he might be who the fuck knows)

O&A publicly hated so many radio show personalities over decades. It's almost really fitting that their own fans hate them now. It's pretty meta.

It would be pretty gay if everyone just sat around like MAN REMEMBER THAT ONE WNEW BIT. It's more fun to photoshop Sam over the Geico caveman and call him a faggot


You make memes, ok

Mark David Chapman shot a Beatle

I can't even listen to the show anymore knowing what absolute fucking faggots they all are.

I know what you mean lol. Like Sam genuinely made me laugh many times, but I can't listen to his voice at all anymore


Nice admission, stupid.

I can still listen to some of the funny bits with Anthony and Jim. Opie is still unbearable. This sub’s ironic faggotry aside, he really did ruin and derail bits constantly. Say what you want about him as a person compared to everyone rude on the show, but as a radio personality Opie fucking stunk.

They created a Frankenstein monster and it turned on them. Of course it did. That's rule one of creating a Frankenstein monster everyone knows that.

AntH specifically has the shortsightedness of an Arab, which he is. Yeah, we’ll do your dirty work and attack other radio shows at your bidding, but don’t act surprised when we turn on you.

all they had to do was be funny at all times

how hard is that really?

George Lucas is most certainly a pedophile.

Physiognomy is a real thing.

Maybe the masturbation sub, unless I'm misunderstanding the question.

all they had to do was be funny

They let us all down by becoming unfunny, now they must suffer for it.

You seem misinformed. Anthony, by his own admission, is still hilarious.

It's a reoccurring trend with radio show forums at least. Maybe during their height of popularity, the fanbase was saturated and the bar was raised on morality.

Any show that seems to be on for over a decade seems to reach a bottoming out with the fanbase left online so only the dregs of society such as the mentally ill and drug addicts remain.

The Stern people are the same, ron and fez more or less now as Bennington, and of course here.

There is something dumber and less entertaining at the core of the Stern folks. You really only see the same two yhings: "it's a wig" and "pc stern sellout". It's really boring. You have variations of that stupidity when you ask how they know it's a wig, they say look at it. When you ask what how Stern sold out they respond by saying "well, 25 years ago, he hated U2. He's a giant hypocrite". I imagine it's people who don't have another 25 years left in them or peaked really young in their life. Again, usually the mentally ill or drug addicts.

You also have a third portion for people who believe he's evil because he's Jewish and varying conspiracies on that subject.

Stern and Bennington seem to share the vile hatred of women. From interns to Stern's wife. I never knew someone could hate Intern Molly at all but it's a popular sentiment on YouTube where you get the most vicious comments I feel because they are more etched in stone then on a rotating wall like here.

There is comfort in being mentally ill, from being psychotic to simple depression and recreationally hating someone you've never met but feel like you know because you've heard hours and hours of their voice.

I think that's why radio is unique but can also be very dangerous when it comes to what you believe and don't believe. I like to imagine in r/thebeatles, they say the band sucks now and forty years ago, Lennon was still alive so they are sellouts now. I know that's a bad joke but it's really hard trying to imagine another media outlet at all that develops a fanbase like talk radio.

Whoa! That’s a lot of stuff to not read

It's interesting how Bennington, Stern, and the O&A communities are noticeably different but still apart of the same species. It's something I think is unique to talk radio and just thought other people would find that as interesting as me and maybe discuss it.

There you go champ

yeah radio fans are crazy degenerates

something radio people figured out when radio started

don't speak to anybody, no one, just step in, pull the curtain close and then pull the trigger.

The Walking Dead. Every post on the subreddit is about how shit the show is now.

That show was always bad, though. For some reason it took fans years to see it. At least O&A used to actually be good at some point.


He is a livestreamer. Used to have a huge, dedicated, autistic following. Started doing drugs, neglected his fans and stopped being entertaining. A few weeks ago he closed down his subreddit. They made a new one and from there on their only mission was to make his live miserable. And it seems that they succeded. His streamer mansion was raided by the FBI yesterday

cant wait to hear all the vloggers hot takes on this

Travis Bickle almost shot that candidate.

The whole fucking shit is tainted. I can’t even listen to Patrice bits anymore because of Brother Ant and the worm.

Hey almost nobody hates Brotherman! People hate the Ant and the Worm!

Grossgore subreddit.

I doubt there’s a fanbase that has turned on what they were fans of so completely the way we did O&A. At least, Star Wars fans still enjoy the old stuff they enjoyed before. I personally hate even the shows “classic “ moments at this point. In retrospect, O&A were never good, we just didn’t see it. I do think Star Wars wins in how in a single movie, they completely obliterated their built up good will. I never thought I’d see faggots actually MISS Lucas as a director.

The Germans have been backpedalling from their former honor and ideals for 80 years now.

AntH specifically has the shortsightedness of an Arab, which he is. Yeah, we’ll do your dirty work and attack other radio shows at your bidding, but don’t act surprised when we turn on you.