Nice tits, Morpheus

232  2019-03-21 by crookedmile


Joe has the body of pregnant trailer trash

He's going to lose all that weight just you watch libtard.

His body is in fat burning mode now.

So he'll outlive the sun

Applebee’s three times a week, four if he wants to treat himself

5 if he has a gig.

He got the girl

He misclicked the like on Big Apple Ranch, genuinely.

Riblets and glory holes are hard to turn down

Dawn when she still had it. Looking like a lowkey puertorican hooker.

She never had it.

I meant "good enough for me"

Ant dresses like a 3rd grader on picture day.

Dress for the job you want and the age range you groom.

Should have stopped at the sixth word, stupid.

But that wouldn't make sense. Anthony doesn't want a job. Those people never do.

If you had to choose between a wet gym sock or Dawn, which would you rather dump a load in?

Joe’s flabby ass.

Took me a full five minutes to see it in the background. Vury good.

Ya niggez is cold bludded cuz

you stared at this for 5 minutes?

Opioid epidemic

The opioid epidemic or opioid crisis is a term that generally refers to the rapid increase in the use of prescription and non-prescription opioid drugs, particularly in the United States and Canada, beginning in the late 1990s. The increase in opioid overdose deaths has been dramatic, and opioids were responsible for 49,000 of the 72,000 drug overdose deaths overall in the US in 2017. The rate of prolonged opioid use is increasing globally.Opioids are a diverse class of moderately strong painkillers, including oxycodone (commonly sold under the trade names OxyContin and Percocet), hydrocodone (Vicodin, Norco), and a very strong painkiller, fentanyl, which is synthesized to resemble other opiates such as opium-derived morphine and heroin. The potency and availability of these substances, despite their high risk of addiction and overdose, have made them popular both as medical treatments and as recreational drugs.

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Nice noticing, stupid

Damn. Now I'm wondering if the baby bump is photoshopped. It really is a massive mound of belly fat.

Joe Cumia is a fat piece of shit

Can we get a thread started somewhere about our pregnant transgender uncle Joe?

Why does everyone think Nana took HGH?

He did but it was after this. While he was going out with Stetten he had a bit of musculature on his arms and shoulders for about 5 minutes. Then he lost his job, stopped working out and descended into an alcohol-sodden swollen mess, resulting in the wide-hipped Bulgarian grandmother you see today.

Wide-hipped, wide-jawed, one big retard arm...

Because he looks like an entirely different person from now compared to this?

He takes both pills and they are suppositories

I'm just glad Anthony's real father, the Grim Reaper, showed up for the big family event.

So happy this was pointed out.

war hero. family man. musician. talks candidly with online terrorists.

joes a great dude

"The WHAT baby?"

They really are disgusting.

But Dawn is passable....

Ant looks like an Aidsy foreign exchange student that all the high school girls make fun of.

You can tell Anthony is mincing around even though it's a still image.

Look at the tits on Dawn

Look at the tits on ~Dawn~ Joe

You just know Joe breastfed Ant.

wow is that gut edited it has to be brother joe is such a fatso.

Dawn is looking hot

Ant looks like he should be behind the counter of a 7-11

Dawn is a peice of ass

They look like a family that runs a 24 hour convenience store

Dawn is just Joe in a Cher wig.

Is this a new one, haven't seen it. That reaper in the back... Haha, holy shit. This may be funniest one I've seen and that says a lot around here. God bless your autism.

Wow, that means absolutely nothing to me. Thanks

. This may be funniest one I've seen and that says a lot around here. God bless your autism.

oof. Fuck off

Fuck with me

Why is Ant so tiny..... really tiny...

He didn't get a y chromosome until a few hours before he was born


This looks like a before picture of an episode of cops

You take the blue pill, you stay a fat loser slob who leeches off his brother. You take the red pill, you stay a fat loser slob who leeches off his brother.

a little wordy but okay

Shut up, stupid.

Just like Erik! (Nagel)

Joe’s lack of self awareness is shining here with that skin tight tank top and huge gut.

Excellent caption.

I haven't laughed out loud from a Joe post in a while but this one got me brothaman. Vurry good.

Who is the Turkish gas station clerk on the left?

Anthony had a different father, it's clear as day.

Also, how is Joe like a foot taller than him? Greedy bastard hogged all the breast milk and later cleaned out the fridge.

Tony-Two-Shirts never disappoints

Gut Cassidy and the Guy who likes Kids.

Is Ma holding the Grim Reaper Sickle behind them?

Bobs Burgers live action reboot

Joe looks 6 months pregnant

Dawn can atill get it.

What a fruity-looking sandnigga Ant was!!

Bro Joe bringing the beefers that Dawn and Ro couldnt supply

Look at the tits on ~Dawn~ Joe

So he'll outlive the sun

Wow, that means absolutely nothing to me. Thanks

. This may be funniest one I've seen and that says a lot around here. God bless your autism.

oof. Fuck off