Jim has lulled himself into a Groundhog Day-like lifestyle with nothing to add to any show.

82  2019-03-21 by lolercakesmcgee

The guy has nothing to say about anything because he goes nowhere mentionable and does nothing of substance.

When is he going to realize that he needs to actually do some activities to even have anything to say on air. Why is he even a co-host?! I just want to hear him be angry at people and be miserable in short quips while people who have actual lives discuss what they’ve done. Is that so much to ask?

I’ll take the answer off air.


Yeah that's his biggest shortcoming as an entertainer.

His arsenal of commentary consists of: 1. Uber ride 2. Vague reference to dinner at a restaurant that sounds fake 3. Flight issue that’s a non-issue 4. Pillow quality 5. Not understanding the simplest of technologies

You forgot when he gets his egg whites, if they're too hot or too cold, if they have any yolk and if the mustard has any sugar or salt in it. All riveting topics.

You both forgot how FUCKING COOL Ozzy and KISS are, man.

"I love music. I'm such a fan of music I have my own music show on satellite radio. I've never heard a song by Taylor Swift. What's American Idol? Is that a show?"

Wait, he did stop to buy a sex doll BEFORE going to a Sabbath show.

That counts as an experience, right?

Yes, going to a Sabbath concert is a totally relevant and relatable experience, as is attending any other concert where the band members could die of "natural causes" without raising an eyebrow.

In all fairness no one should have ever heard a Taylor Swift song or know what American Idol is. Nice faggots examples, stupid.

"Know what it is" =/= "Enjoy it"

Is he still tired a lot?


Yeah his biggest shortcoming as an entertainer is not entertaining anyone

This is exactly the point. He was great at third mic because he can riff on what others say but has no real-life experience himself. He has no business being a "host" of any kind and Sam fucking Roberts should be interning for Pedro & Manboobs the talentless faggot.

Sam has an equal amount real life experience. Doesn't drink, eats 3 baby foods, only hobby is watching wrestling, got into another fake hobby at age 32 - collecting sneakers.

Had his father break his phimosis boy-hymen at age 24, had a team of doctors working round the clock to remove his lifetime of smegma at 26...

Pedro & Manboobs in the Morning are PFG though

In groundhog day Phil actually grew tremendously as a person. Jim is still the same urine drinking freak he was when he was 5

Goes nowhere?

What would you call taking an Uber to the SiriusXM studio and then an Uber back home? Or taking an Uber to the Comedy Cellar and then an Uber home? Or taking another Uber to the studio above the Comedy Cellar and then an Uber home?

And god forbid the driver talks to him

Dude, you're way off! You forgot taking an Uber to the restaurant where he creepily harasses the hostess!

He doesn’t go there anymore apparently or he’s stopped harassing the hostess.

I flipped it on one day last week and within 5 minutes heard Jimmy say "I never saw it" when Travis or Sam referenced The Truman Show. It was the same day Normand showed up 15 minutes before the show ended.

He's only ever seen Crash and Fame.

Crash being one of the worst pieces of fuckig shit ever put onto film.

And "KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park."

Don’t forget Scarface and The Godfather.

he will have the Jim was here above an entry way within 5 years

He is becoming like Fez. This is why Fez had nothing to contribute to the show but his problems, because he never watched, listened or tried anything new.

I’m a big fan of how he hates to do other radio shows, because he says they just read off Wikipedia. But literally every interview with an actor is him saying “what do you do with your hand” , “acting is tough man”, and then goes down a IMDb list of every tv show (Jim has never heard of) they acted in as an extra to ask what they did and what that show is.

"It says it here on the sheet."

"It says here you were in something called Star Wars, is that like the old Battle of the Network All-Stars?"

I've only seen fragments of the show here and there but he really does seem to be phoning it in at this stage.

Phoning it in while staring at his phone.

It was wayyyy worse when he working the board and phones. Thankfully Dam took that back.

Jim is also so awful on that UFC pod.

Fuck, I almost completely forgot he did that. I was so close

They are both boring turds with no real opinions on anything. Sam always just takes the popular SJW side on any subject and Jim never knows what the fuck is going on and has never heard or seen anything. Sirius is shit awful.

Almost all his old pals moved on and got a wife or had kids.

Jim spends his time complaining about his eggs at Denny's.

Too bad he can't hang himself.

I’m not sure who I hate more.

I like your take on Jim being on. Groundhog Day lifestyle. He goes to the same restaurants all the time - never cooks for himself. He never watches the news or reads newspapers or news online. His entertainment consists of Chatterbating with trannies, watching porn, or listening to the same old Ozzy, Black Sabbath or KISS albums.

"It says it here on the sheet."

"It says here you were in something called Star Wars, is that like the old Battle of the Network All-Stars?"

He doesn’t go there anymore apparently or he’s stopped harassing the hostess.