"everybody stop talking about my insatiable lust for kid drool and we all walk away, easy peasey"

12  2019-03-21 by josephjeremiah


Such a tough dood.

Nice trigger discipline,stupid.

That gun needs to be turned around 180°, and fired

You could stand motionless, a foot away from him and the fucking imbecile would still end up shooting himself.

Look at this Benny Blanco motherfucker

Feeble old fuck couldn't open a jar of mayo, much less squeeze a trigger.

Makes you wonder how many tourists he's raped in Central Park.

Does this guy have framed BDSM cartoons in his house?

That shit probly squirts water

What a fucking faggot!

How do you look like a pussy... with a fucking gun in your hand? This fool pulled off a unicorn sighting
