"It's gotta be the right 13."

103  2019-03-20 by GorramTimebomb


He tried to make it sound reasonable but his later actions proved he was indeed attracted to children, and not to the rare freak of nature that looks 20 years old at 13

The john and Jeff show

What that degenerate shit-heap fails to understand is that there is no "right kind of 13."

This is what a pedophile does to try and normalize his attraction and behavior towards children.

Exactly. She was still playing with Barbies a couple of years before. He needs a bullet in the brain.

Oh you watch me.... I'll find a state my friend, I'll find one.

....eight year olds dude

WHAT?! You've never seen a hot 13 year old that was completely fuckable??? *frothing at the mouth....LIARS!!!!

Fucking Cumia, man. That creep can troll.