A ''rapefugee'' set a bus filled with kids on fire in Italy. I live in Eastern European shithole BUT we will NEVER allow this in our homelands. IMPOTENT CUNTS!

0  2019-03-20 by bobodid911


This isnt the donald, fuck off with this content

Could've at least tried to make the headline funny. Sheesh

...yeah, couldn't think of something O and A related...

I am still furious doh !

He’s still furious!

hilarious stuff

This guy sounds like a real jerk

this is all you had to do to post this shit

As a kid there's nothing more exciting than a near death experience. I had 3. Fun memories.

The way Western Europe is going ... dem kids are going to have plenty of near death experiences in their future.

Don't know whether it was one, but had the strangest feeling when I'd lost a lot of blood at age 9 (not the lightheadedness of fainting). Did you see anything weird?

No. There is no afterlife.

Oh okay, I thought maybe during.

You guys prefer the genocides to be carried out by chechnyans eh?

genocides carried out by chechnyans

You mean terrorist attacks? That's Russia's problem (and a war in 2000's got that shit straightened out).

''Ain't nothing to do with me pal''

It's probably a misunderstanding. ''Lost in translation''-type stuff.