Reminder: this old man wants to beat up everyone that posts here

86  2019-03-20 by 4stepsbackward


Has he given a reason why he shaved his prison pussy? Was he hoping if he looks like he's knocking on death's door we'll pity him and leave him alone?

prison pussy LOL

Remember Ant himself said he tested positive for HIV.

Faggot ass nigga

Joe gets winded tying his shoes. He couldn't beat up anyone.

He has such tremendous jowels

I want to beat up everyone that posts here

Bunch of candy ass jabronies


I still can’t get over the fact that these two faggots sang karaoke all night

I’d get assaulted if I asked my brother to do this

I like karaoke, but out, with friends, girls, dates, once in a while. At home with my brother? Eugh.

We have to push the button, Jack

"You're lucky I'm taking a big Puerto Rican dong up my fag ass right now." - Joe Cumia

He's failed at everything he's ever done.

He's a wannabe hack musician, veteran, white person, and biker.

Husband, father, dieter, urban dictionary editor.

Court plaintiff with dignity

you think he permanently stays in the shade so he doesn't end up looking like a moolignan

Has he been bleaching his skin? He can actually pass as a white guy in this pic

No, black people get paler when they get old. Look at James Earl Jones.

Homer Simpson. Child spit, MMMmm

joes a great guy

All jokes aside. Grow the goatee back man.

Make sure you form a seal when you shut that freezer door.

He stands like a cartoon cowboy who rode a horse too long.

Fuck this guy

Husband, father, dieter, urban dictionary editor.