I hope we suffer another world war just to see how bad Jim and Sams survival skills are.

26  2019-03-20 by UnclePaulsSoul


Wouldn’t take that bet, see how long they’ve fucked the carcass of O&A for sustenance.

I'd like to see Jim and Sam a post-apocalyptic survival situation, although I suspect Sam would revert to phenotype and live just fine as an ape. Shoes off, straight up a tree; leaving Norton tearful and howling on the forest floor.

(It could be that chicken tenders really are the only human food Sam's digestive system can handle, and that he'd do just fine on a diet of bananas and termites. Or commercial monkey chow)

They would starve to death in a bunker full of food with no clue how to use a can opener

Jimmy would relapse when he sees the handsantizer and starve without his egg whites. But not before a slap fight with Sam who motherfucked him over his attempts to repopulate the world through ass sex

Sam tries to call 911 then his dad only to remember that he got mushroom clouded.

why you be nuking me?

They would both be killed and used as fuel two days after everything fell apart.

I was gonna say wear the skin for them cold winters but they don't hav Jimmy in adult sizes

They wont even go camping with Bob Kelly overnight.

They ain't making it.

Anyone under 40 is fucked

Ok grandpa

I'm under 40. I'd be dead within 6 weeks of society breaking down.

Not me. My survival strategy is punching bitches in the face on I-95. Hasn't failed me yet

thats you?

Shhhhh. Due to a clerical error I was booked in the corrections system as lastname, firstname


No banking, no food, water and nobody has any real world skills anymore

In developed areas, sure. Think they'll be fine in Alaska.

I know fuck all about Alaska but surely a place like that needs imports more than exports to live?

I've never been, but don't they have lots of caribou and water? If it really gets down to basics all you need is food and drink, a cabin, some tools. I saw a great short film about someone who went there alone, with only a few axe heads and his carpentry skills.

Eh. Europe had a decade of austerity, Americans couldnt buy nylon stockings on Tuesdays for awhile. No big deal.

The world is no match for Sam and his faggy action figures.

Reminder that Sam called 911 when he got a flat tire. He wouldn't last ten seconds.

they would literally survive off the whatever protein they could suck out of each other....... I get a feeling they would just be some bigger gangs prags to be passed around until they needed to eat them.

Jim would do alright because he's a psychopath and would probably kill Sam instantly and he can last at least a week on tendie boy's fat reserves.

Aren’t you a giant fat faggot that would also immediately die?

What's the contingency plan for the sub? Pigeons or smoke signals?

This nuclear winter is fucking endless.

Shhhhh. Due to a clerical error I was booked in the corrections system as lastname, firstname