Fucking retard

131  2019-03-20 by afallenworld


He does this while people are trying to eat food.

He’s a stupid asshole.

It's the fucking worst. Not just Joe, but every acoustic / singer act in a bar or restaurant. They do it because you only have to pay one guy.

Unamplify it and it maybe you can call it background music like a piano or something.

And you know Joe turns his shit up loud bc he thinks people want to hear an old asshole singing.

During the last cumia karaoke gay-off ant mentioned he always has to change the mic levels after Joe so this is verified

It's always passive aggressively loud, too.

God forbid you have a conversation with your date when you should be listening intently to a Cat Steven's cover played way too loud

I'm going to complain like an asshole to the manager the next time I ever go into any restaurant/bar/coffee shop and some stupid asshole is playing shit cover songs nobody wants to hear while their awful performance plays way too loudly over the fucking gigantic PA system some dildo owner installed but doesn't know how to set the levels to a tolerant level.

Fucking idiots, every single person that both plays gigs like this and the clueless boobs that allow them into their dive establishment to ruin paying customer's evening that will never return after the ear rape they had to endure while sipping their coffee or pint.

Besides, live music is for retarded 15-year olds to throw away their money on, not adults who presumably fuck. Doubly so for "performers."

Or trying to find a parking spot at the library

Some people call me the space cowboy....

Some call me the gangster of underage love


He didn't deny it.

Imager can be manipulated.

I'm a moocher, I'm a boozer, I'm a total loser. I play my music like a bum.

"I'm a joker, I'm mediocre, I play gay strip poookeeerrr. I sure want a load of cuuuum"

He’s got those dick sucking lips ready to go.

The moment before Joe realized it was a shart.

He always looks like he’s forcing out a giant log when he’s “singing”

Just like Eric

Ah the retarded burn victim guitarist, my favorite Barnum & Bailey freak act.

cool dude, talented musician

He makes the same face when some Dominican homo enters him roughly in the Big Apple bathroom stall.

Let me hear you sing Faithfully jackass

He's ready to be spat on.

Was this before or after he molested the man in the bathroom?


classic quadroon O face, somebody must of set the egg on high

"I can feel it calling in the air tonight, Oh LAWWWWWD"


Never go Full Cumia

That's Joe's bukake face. Seriously, somebody who does shops should use Joe's head from this photo and insert into gay, blacks on white bukake porn.

I wanna smash that stupid guitar over his head & every other asshole like him. I rarely have this problem these days but once in awhile I’ll get dragged to some bar where an asshole plays guitar & sings all the mediocre hits of the past 40 years too loudly while I eat below average tasting bar food in a lame neighborhood in the city or a boring suburb. Why do these places hire Joe or Joe types? Why not just have a dj or a simple jukebox instead of some loud jackass that no one divides the over 50 crowd is enjoying.


God damn bar chord fruit faggot

I'm a musician and stopped playing music live when I was 23 because I found it undignified and embarrassing.

If I played music live again, it would be in a jazz trio where I play background music at a low volume and don't expect/demand people who don't give a shit about what I'm doing to pay attention.

Also, singing in front of people past the age of 25 if you're a man is for fags.

Yea if you didn’t make it big in that time frame just quit. I have friends that still play shitty 90s alt rock to bars with like 12 people on a Friday night. They’re delusional and in denial just like Joe

Lol I would pay him to stop playing if I was eating/drinking there.