Thought I’d be brave a post a picture of myself. Hope you guys like it.

10  2019-03-20 by omgialmostdiedpoopin


Anthony bravely accepting his role as an elder statesman of radio...

We should attach this to every packet of aid food we send to African nations so they know what's going on over here while they remain 70 lbs and unable to get their shit together.

That food rarely reaches those who need it. You'll only give some poor district commissioner nightmares.

for some reason I am in the mood for a corndog.

Hideous Diana Orbani "bubs"

Gas all juggalos

Zac Amico?


Please don’t be brave again.

I can officially say I would never fuck that.... sober.

Alabama or Kentucky maga slob cunt faggot dunderheaded fool bitch

nice pocket, stupid