Faggy band for faggy men.

211  2019-03-20 by afallenworld


If your favorite band performs in 6 inch platform heels, you probably blew you best friend when you were a kid and then pretended it was him sucking your dick.

Does motley crue count?

There's no way Vince Neil hasn't sucked at least one cock.

Probably when he had to get out of his vehicular manslaughter charge.

Jim and Eddie Trunk stroking it to these fools.

Eddie Trunk is an absolute fruitcake

His radio show is dedicated to bands that haven't been relevant since 1989 and he still acts like people give a shit about them

Trunk helped get Ace Frehley a record deal after he left Kiss and started carrying himself like the Savior Of Rock. He was angling toward becoming a big-shot label hit-maker, then everyone stopped caring about the genre all at once. Since then he's been doing his Godfather Of Metal routine, much to everyone's annoyance.

I listen because it’s like a train crash. He gives Poison updates. Who gave a fuck about poison since 1989?

I'll tell you this: the rock and metal club scene in the NY/NJ area during the late 1980s-early 1990s sure was something and if you ask Eddie I'm sure he'll tell you all about it at great, great length.

Ooooh one of them is a cat. The most heavy metal of animals. So hardcore

Ol pussy hands

Didn't Jim put pictures of himself painted as each band member on his website? It was so gay. It would be like if Sam had pictures of himself cosplaying as Hulk Hogan and Macho Man.

Doesn't Sam have a picture of him cosplaying as some aggressively gay wrestler? Gold dust or something?

Worse. He has pictures of himself as Sam Roberts and never has the decency to put a bag over his head.

Rope on his neck would look better

Bullet in his temple would take the cake.

Toe trigger attachment

He's been cosplaying as Mick Foley every day for like a year now

I never realized how gay KISS was

Are you just hearing of them now? If not, it’s pretty shocking that is took you this long to notice.

Well i wasn’t born in the 60s so I don’t nostalgically remember seeing them on the tv during the 70s

But really, I was only around for KISS nostalgia in the 90s and only noticed the face paint, not the high heels and bare chests

Didn't the everything about them give it away?

I owned a Gibson Marauder once. Biggest piece of shit instrument I've ever played.

Of course homokike would be playing one.

Gene played the bass version of it, too. The Grabber! He sold it on eBay a few years ago for like $50k. They must have had a deal with Gibson to play their worst guitars.

The later Stanley model Ibanezes are fucking great but look so gay that nobody plays them in public.

The Grabber was a far superior instrument.

A black Iceman might as well be the official guitar of Hot Topic despite being a great guitar, but a '70s IC400 in a natural or sunburst would be respectable.

Hated the look but the Grabber sounded good with slightly muted flats through a bigass 15" stack. Caught some brothers playing the tightest funk I've ever heard and the bass player was playing this thing like vintage Jamerson with a beautiful grunt to his sound.

Yeah, Grabbers are great. Actually I have no idea what anything you two queers just said means.

Doesn't matter bub. You just barge in whenever ya like.

Paul Gilbert plays them, but upside down. Like a man!

Have you played their L6-S from the same time period? A dealer I know has one for about 400 in USD, but he says not to even try it.

That's actually a really decent Norlin-era Gibson. I'd buy it for that price.

Thanks a lot, I'll call him right now.

For sure. I think the Norlin era's got such a bad rep people don't take any of their output seriously. That Marauder of yours wasn't the worst ('member The Paul?) and I bet you could have made it sound a lot better with different p-u's. Sure beats my Hondo mutant. Opened that fucker up and discovered it was basically pressed wood pulp.

I think it was just a lemon of a guitar. Terrible feel. There were/are some legit Norlin gems but, quality control being what it was, there are some reeeeeal stinkers in the lot. I played an S1 that was leaps and bounds better, but yeah, The Paul was legit firewood

Yeah it's crazy when you see what's available today. I'd have killed for a modern $500 Ibanez or Yamaha back then.

It's not as heavy as a Les Paul and won't sound good for what you play but Tippy Tom here is right. Good guitar good price.

Okay, thanks; would still like to try it, though. It's about 3.5lbs, and it would mainly be a travel instrument - don't want to damage the hollow one. Sounds really good with the bass amp, btw; very happy.

It's a nice little no nonsense work horse. You got the spare tubes so you should be set for life if you treat it right. About the L6 trust me, it's too cumbersome for shlepping around our lovely public transport.

For now maybe, but should be okay in a couple of years. It's nearly 10pm anyway, so will see tomorrow - thanks though.

So did you get it? If you don't I have a buyer.

No, I pass. Something came up and I need the money.

I had them off sorry . If you think you need a travel guitar I've got a Nighthawk coming in in a week 10days. Look 'em up.

Done. Picking it up next time I'm up there. Will keep it long enough for you to give it a spin. You don't have to come here, I'll send it.

That's really nice of you, thanks. Maybe next month then.


Really? I always hoped they'd reissue it because I like the way it looks and the pickup setup on it. What was bad about it?

it's not rocket science. a person like whatever music they listened to in high school. It's fine, whatever.

Thing is Jimmy can't see that and has to actually think HIS band is the best one of all.

stupid asshole.

I listened to rap music in high school and can't stand that shit now.

People don’t only enjoy music they listened to as kids, and not everybody is such a retard that they’d think an idiot hitting a bucket is enjoyable. Your reasoning for why people enjoy music is so far off.


This past week I went back and listened to some of the albums I loved at 15. Turns out they were shit. Listening to the crap you listened to as a kid is like reading young adult fiction as a grown up. It's a pathetic symptom of arrested development.

you could literally listen to someone bang on a bucket with a spoon when you are 15 and if you had good times and hold good memories with your friends the guy banging the bucket with a spoon would be your favorite band.




Hank Kingsley wouldn't put his name on some of the shit Gene Simmons did

That’s bc hank Kingsley is a meat and potatoes kind of guy.

Probably the worst band of all time

I don't usually say things like this to girls your age
But when I saw you coming out of the school that day
That day I knew, I knew (Christine sixteen)
I've got to have you, I've got to have you

How is this not anth's favorite band?

Nickelback with facepaint

Nickelback: Four small town farmboys who sing about real male issues.

Kiss: Four jews in facepaint, tights, and heels.

"I was made for loving a dude, he can shoot up in my butt"

🎶🎸I was made for sucking dick, baby, I was made for drinking pee🎵

Gibson Murauders are pieces of shit.

Yet Rage Against the Machine is the corny band. Norton’s a dunce.

Both bands are fags. One is a bunch of gay Jews and the other are a bunch of commie fags with an incredibly talented guitarist.

See Rage's new commie band with Public Enemy and the dude from Cypress Hill? It's so cringey. A 14yr olds version of politics, but made by 50yr olds.



I actually really like prophets of rage and saw them in Camden last year lol

maaaan - the band


Only thing worse than a Commie is some asshole pretending to be one.

if we cover ourselves in pain they won't be able to tell we are infact smelly yids

I don’t understand the fascination with this shit-pile of a band some people in their 40s and 50s have.

Some even call them icons and pioneers of metal.

Horseshit! This band fucking sucks. Their music is just basic cords and their lyrics are garbage. Can’t even say they were the first to wear make up on stage, because Alice cooper did it first.

Jim and Eddie trunk can suck a dick

KISS came out when those people were kids and the makeup and outfits obviously attracted them. That's really all there is too it. It's musical nostalgia. Simplistic songs about rockin and rollin and outfits that make them stand out.

I fuckin love Pantera but god did it embarrass me how much the Abbott boys worshipped this dog shit band. I think Dimebag even got buried in a KISS casket for fuck's sake.

Three chords a song

Remember - Jimmy fantasized about them. He would kneel at his bedside trying to hold a shit in and pretend that KISS threw him down the stairs and then they would comfort him.

Kikes in drag with silly c-rate movies and lunchboxes to show how rock-'n'-roll you are. Of course worm likes this embarrassing shit.

Gwars little sisters

Perfect description

I was made for gobbling goo, baby

The Melvins' cover of Goin' Blind is the best thing Kiss ever did.

I'm 93, you're 16

The only acceptable thing KISS has ever done was having Rush open for them in the mid-70s.

Anyone see that movie Detroit Rock City? It's about a group of teens on their way to a KISS concert. It's actually a decent movie but I was confused when the looked down on the discount kids and called them fags. There was a scene where they got into it with disco kids in a trans am but at least they had chicks in their car. How are they fags when you're gonna go see dudes in makeup and high heels? That part confused me but the 70s we're before my time.

This is the gold standard of heavy metal according to Eddie Trunk and Jim Florentine. What a horrible disservice those two men have been for heavy metal, and the perception of what a metal fan is.

Jew fags

Norton is a fag and a loser. We Stern fans had Artie, you had Jim

How much drunking and rape of teen girls are they collectively guilty of?

Terrible band, terrible genre of music

No wonder gene simmons spends his life in a narcissistic haze. Imagine coming to terms with yourself after doing this. Hed have to kill himself.

Ace Frehley looks like he is preparing to take the Star Child's load.


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It deserves my faggy comment: "💯".

Ace Frehleys face annoys me. Nice pillow lips stupid.

Okay, thanks; would still like to try it, though. It's about 3.5lbs, and it would mainly be a travel instrument - don't want to damage the hollow one. Sounds really good with the bass amp, btw; very happy.

I had them off sorry . If you think you need a travel guitar I've got a Nighthawk coming in in a week 10days. Look 'em up.

Done. Picking it up next time I'm up there. Will keep it long enough for you to give it a spin. You don't have to come here, I'll send it.