Joe Cumia is a piece of shit

15  2019-03-20 by SUK_MY_DIK_JOE_CUMIA

Fuck Joe Cumia


Well said, couldn’t agree more.

i smell a narc account

Go away Joe

Why does he do this? Is he trying to lure us into some sort of legal snare, or does he just need the attention to cum?

I'm guessing the snare, but dummy is not a very proficient hunter.

Oaf Juice Muck is an anagram for Fuck Joe Cumia.

You're (please excuse my French) gosh-darm RIGHT it is!!

Whoah, take it easy buddy. That's not a very popular opinion around here!

Fuckin’ A

What's up, narc

No he ain't, he's DA WHOLE SHIT ASUMPTIN


Nice try op

I also hate Joe Cumia.

We’re really going down the rabbit hole with this post.

That’s hate speech you animal. We engage in good natured ribbing here but you’ve gone too far.

Ban this hate monger!

How's the weight loss going, Gramps?