#RIPvictims #BernInHellRandy

12  2019-03-20 by crookedmile


Who even remembers that underachiever. That autistic bitch only killed 3 people, that's not even notable in this day and age.


He discharged more than 50 cartridges too. The video of him trying to hit a jug from 4 feet away is fucking pathetic.

I loved watching ol' twig arms trying to manage that recoil.

What was he using?

Jesus, is that a real fuckin' BroJoe post?

Why are you surprised?

His lack of intelligence is stupefying!

You may want to watch his appearance on the People's Court, or when he debated and owned Libtards outside of the Barnes and Noble in the city of Manhattan.

I've seen all that. Joe trying to politicize Randy Stair just boggles my mind.

He called his own mother a libtard when he announced her death on Facebook.

He also announced that he wasn't a pedophile.

Joe is new to politics, but he’s gone all in.

Two and a half years ago he was convinced that the Electoral College was an actual academy of elite Libtards who were going to steal the election for Hillary. A few months later he owned up to his “misperception”, when it was super convenient, perhaps after the first time he had ever voted, and without owning up to his willful ignorance.

I recall a Facebook post of his saying that he researched it and couldn't exactly grasp the concept, and asked his Facebook friends to explain it to him.

It is so telling of Joe to be a 60+ year old man to be even remotely interested in Randy Stair. Lol He was such a who gives a shit killer. He imagines this sub, "the left", and anyone that gives him static five thousand Randy's on his front lawn. He has created a boogie man. Joe thinks like someone that buys a mega millions tix on a Tuesday and then tells everyone to fuck off before the Wednesday drawing because he is convinced he already one. And repeats it every week.

He's no Steve Paddock. Now that was a mass shooter.

Speaking of, whatever came of that investigation? Oh yeah. We can’t figure it out so move along, nothing to see here.

He just kinda felt like doing it.

He's only interested in Randy Stair because he has a penis


Nothing is as heartfelt as #RIPvictims