Sirius XM thought this wormy monstrosity was fit to host an advice show. Even though he has never had a successful relationship in his life.

65  2019-03-20 by RBuddCumia


The only advice show I listened to was noon to three.

the ADVICE show

Ha I forgot about that Caller: Did you ever try meditation fez? Did you ever try shrooms fez? Did you ever try adopting a dog fez?

Those dumb rubes thought they could actually fix fez or that he would try their dumb suggestions

Kissable Lips

“That’s a tough one man. You really gotta just tell your chick, ‘Hey look, I have needs too...and it’s either we continue to carry a grudge about it, or we work this out.’ And us guys are as guilty as they are, dude. Genuinely. I’m not trying to be politically correct about it either. We get can be fucking awful. And, it’s like...ugh. We really can be toxic to the relationship.”

This ruined my evening.

Phony addict. Closeted homosexual. Delusional narcissist. Lazy & incompetent. What possible advice could he have for any normal human?

He's persistent on his pursuit of worthless photograph tho

SiriusXM figured if he has gone this long without killing himself, he’s the man for the job.

Look at the sign behind him. He’s looking for a Man-Ta-Lay.

Fawkin’ home run.

Crossed Eyed Norton seems more comfortable with himself than Piece of Shit Norton

What about his 'ex' from 2007?

Nice resemblance to Tweety Bird, stupid


Those lips gross me out so hard

*Laughs at Jim Norton... Oh wait, neither have i.

If any of the execs there knows what's funny he should offer Norton a film review show when his contract's up.

Sirius needed to fill dead space in the channel. You can only replay O&A and Ron and Fez so many times in a day.