Jim and Sam should be publicly executed

161  2019-03-19 by dontbecunty

Happened to turn them on this morning and they went on for a good 10 minutes telling a caller she wasn't on the air yet and giggling to themselves. Unfunny fucking faggots. Kill yourselves.


It got worse from there. Then Sam started making No Doubt jokes and later made everyone ironically listen to Matchbox 20.

I’m not surprised Sam knows about Matchbox 20, he sure does love shitty pop music.

Tony, hi...oof

How was Yakov Smirnoff?

I would be ecstatic if Jim and Sam were brutally beaten to death

I guess so

I just imagine Jim attempting his "baby boy" shit while having his face caved in by claw hammer.

Too bad they're not regular mosque goers huh?

At least they'd have a good excuse for taking Fridays off

Somebody else said that they think Stern is pulling strings to keep J&S around as soft competition. I can't imagine any other reason those two could still have jobs.

Maybe. But really nobody else wants to work at Sirius in 2019. Unless it's under the Comedy Central banner like Bonfire and Glaser. Like what pitch could you give Nick Mullen to come there on Faction Talk. "For the same money and less listeners we would like you to have to be at our studio in Manhattan every morning at 6am instead of recording your podcast from your apartment whenever you feel like it."

Why did Craig Ferguson disappear? I can't stand the limey cocksucker but his show was doing pretty well wasn't it? The conditions at Sirius are probably terrible for anyone but Stern but Jim and Sam have no other options

He said it was interfering with his ability to make movies/TV and do live tours. But that doesn't seem truthful because the Bonfire guys still do shows when Jay is touring and Dan is filming Billions.

Yeah he sounds like fat pig Artie Lange at the height of his heroin abuse when he used to cry to Stern about the difficulty juggling his responsibilities of doing 4hrs of radio in the morning and 20 minutes of stand up in the evenings

the difference is Craig would probably have a starring role on movies/tv. Dan is as essential to Billions as O'Brien was to Star Trek. they could film an entire season's worth of his scenes in a day.

Craig tours year-round, gets tons of Voice work, And I think is doing or plans on doing an internet show. frankly, he'll always have my undying support because of his Late Show.

Also, for the guy who called him a limey cocksucker above, he's Scottish you fucking idiot. Scots at least have class and sexy redheads.

Scots at least have class and sexy redheads.

and they all support the EU meaning as far as they're concerned Scottish people are European people just like the Cumias

because of his Late Show.

people around here loved Conan too. all it takes is him calling Norm and Colin evil right wingers for you to turn on him

Did Craig say anything about Norm and Colin? Nothing I've seen.

That possible, but Sirius could find any two NY comedians, pay them half or a quarter of what they're paying Jim and Sam and it would be a much better show.

That possible, but Sirius could find any two NY comedians homeless people, pay them half or a quarter of what they're paying Jim and Sam and it would be a much better show.

That’s a total possibility, I don’t think it would be Stern directly; I doubt he knows who either of them are, but maybe Marci Turk is behind it. Though the people at Sirius have no idea how to run a company or know anything about radio or entertaining for that matter. The only thing the execs know is they’ll get safe boring radio from two corporate guys who would never do anything to rock the boat.

Update on the youtube situation?

The videos are still up but no word from youtube. I was doing more researched and learned that videos taken down due to privacy complaints do result in community guidelines strikes. That is good and bad news. Good news because my channel probably isn't in danger. Bad news because it's much harder to appeal the take down of a video that didn't receive a strike. In the grand scheme of things, the good definitely outweighs the bad, though

Stern has no idea who Sam even is

Not true. He sees him every day he works and thinks about asking him to lead the new Wack Pack.

I doubt Stern even gives them a first thought let alone a second. He makes so much money why would he even care about competition.

Sterns right ! Cause they are softer than doctors cotton.

Anything is possible but who would possibly think to themselves “man, I really didn’t enjoy Stern this week but that other show I also happened to listen to (I guess?) was so much worse so I won’t cancel!” I mean, there are no ratings so setting up a straw man for Stern does what for him?

What, do you not think they deserve the gift of life? HEEE HEE HEE HEEE

I think Jim was trying to do something like they used to when they’d fuck with callers. But he had to give up because Sam wouldn’t quit with that fucking hi, tony over and over again

telling a caller she wasn't on the air

pretty sure that's an SEC violation. you should probably send that clip to em

i remember norton saying how him doing the afternoon shows with was starting to negatively affect his career as a comic, said he was getting comments from some of his audience when he did gigs or something like that.. Theres just no fucking way he gets any positive comments when it comes to the J&S show, i wouldn't be surprised if even his comic friends joked about how horrible that fucking show is..

From the feedback I've seen on Twitter, the J&S show seems to have a solid following with generic beta males.

For them, BY them.

Travis has a lot of alt accounts.

And lifestyles.

Bottom Line: He's not a man since he let's that glorified Intern Sam run the show.

Too lazy to find it but there was a self-posted phone video by someone who was at Caroline's last week when Sam came up on the stage and ~4 guys in the audience sternly and sincerely boo'd him as he got on stage

I need to see this

Not many people watch it so it's not surprising that the negative reactions went down

Almost as funny as when o&a would pretend they couldn't hear the caller

"Sam isn't bad on the radio...he's a great shit-stirrer!"

  • Said some stupid faggots 2 years ago

To be fair, any of the shows where Sam isn't in studio and Jim has the show to himself are even worse than the episodes where they're together. It's unfathomable that the humourless adult infant Sam Roberts could actually make something funnier, but that's how untalented the Worm is. Of course it's relative so the show is still unlistenable garbage, but Jim alone is worse than Jim & Sam

Anyone remember the advice show

I don't know man, I think you should just go AA or whatever. Next caller.

Jim was steering the ship alone and stated he hated taking callers as the ship was sinking then asked for callers to call in if they had been molested which in turn made the female guest leave during the break ...Sam does help a bit

the best way to put it is like this: Sam has the experience to do a show, But Sam does not have the talent to run a show.

Wait, I haven’t listened to the show ever, but the worm does a show by himself ? How the fuck did they get a new contract ! I’m so mad at Serius

But he was good at that - at causing 30 minute Erock beatings committed by men much, much funnier than Sam. When he thought he could be the funny guy himself, it all falls apart.

That bit was lame in 1998

I fucking tried to give them another listen, I really did. It’s just a boring fucking show. Sam isn’t funny, and Norton is making the same jokes he’s been making on the radio for a decade now, with some of his funny voices thrown in.

This is the worst part. Norton literally can't get away from any 'lady with a dick' bit. It's horribly unfunny, redundant nonsense from a 50 year old man. Sad.

this is sad, alexa play despacito

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. D ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀⠀►►⠀ 3:08 / 4:42 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️

I hope they get raped by a pack of wild niggers. No wait, Jimmy would like that too much.

But he's not gay. He'd tell you if he was.

So bad I couldn't believe it.

This was my thought as well. 3 fucking idiots pretending to not know what's going on. Go fuck yourselves

Remember how hilarious it was with Louis Ck in studio fucking with the callers pretending to have Foo Fighters tickets. They kept that up for like half an hour and I was nearly driving off the road pissing myself. That bit should be in a radio museum. I didn't hear the Jim and Sam bit but I'm sure it's embarrassing in comparison.

At least they got one half of the "cringe comedy" concept right. That was definitely cringe.

Hi Toni 🤣

That’s the bit that got me into o&a

Crucifixion seems fitting

If they were executed in private I'd be okay with that.

Hi Toni hi Toni

How was Yakov? I was curious if he knew they used to shit on him.

That was pretty funny. You are a dumb gay.

My penis tip should be tickled

Hi tony. Thanks for calling tony. Hi tony.

I mean... Yes. And i also heard this bit and it was just fucking awful and it went on Forever

neither of them like their current job, are proud of their output, enjoy each others' company during work hours, or feel secure about what they're doing. and both profoundly resent and feel burdened by the extra effort they have to make to live up to the 'best revenge on your enemy is to live a good life' adage to get back at Gregg, who continues to alpha them from afar

I listened before and after Anthony got fired and all the incarnations of the show since. This version of the show is unlistenable. Sam is beyond terrible. It's bad when Chip is the only entertainment I get from Norton

Holy shit. I thought today's episode was funny. What's wrong with me? Wait, the lady caller bit wasnt funny? Come on the Yakov interview was compelling though, yea? I dont know what's good anymore.

so fucking bad and horrible and sam's idea

jim and sam is utter horse shit sam has no business ever being an on air personality he so fucking bland he is oatmeal.

I prefer it to be done without publicity.

their shit show showed up on my feed and it was a 20m video of them talking about something a gay youtuber may or may have not done.

fucking boo.

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. D ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀⠀►►⠀ 3:08 / 4:42 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️

Craig tours year-round, gets tons of Voice work, And I think is doing or plans on doing an internet show. frankly, he'll always have my undying support because of his Late Show.

Also, for the guy who called him a limey cocksucker above, he's Scottish you fucking idiot. Scots at least have class and sexy redheads.