What a country.

39  2019-03-19 by RBuddCumia


poor yakov, times must be tough

It’s hard keeping the food warm for old rubes.

He has his own theater in Branson. Dude is probably making pretty good money.

Only the biggest gets.

Sure he's an obscure figure from the late 80s but I'll admit it was really a great listen hearing him on Maron's show and talking about having to get all his material approved by The Ministry of Jokes and how he started by doing Cruise ships in the Black Sea.

But according to all comedians now, we live in 1933 Germany.

The interview was surprisingly good, but that's because he talked most of the time so Blinky and the Neanderthal didn't get to ask dumb questions like usual.

This is way beneath him

This man has real cloth napkins, he's too good for Jim and sam

So you're from the former Soviet Union? Go!

So er, what was in like there in er like fuckin old Russia?

I heard your mom was tortured to death in a gulag. Go!

I heard Russian girls got some meaty pussies! What do Russian actors do with their hands???

Nice dye, stupid

"So how do you keep the food hot?"

Yakov, to Sam: In Soviet Russia, tendies eat YOU!

In Soviet Russia, mongoloid like yous would be murdered at births.

What, you mean your overprotective mothers won't give their sons steroids?

You know you have hit bottom when you come from your castle in Branson, MO to do J&S in NY


what's the haps

45 minutes on magnetic dinner trays.

"How do you eat dinner in the theater with no table?"

“So you’re saying in America you can always find a party, but in Soviet Russia, the party always finds you? Nyehehehhehe...”

I honestly thought he was dead.

As much as they shat on him years ago they are bringing him in? Wow. Times must be tough. Who are they going to get next - Joe Piscapo or the Whistler?

Barry Williams


Barry is Opie’s pet project.

The fucking worm is gonna worm his way through the interview and act like all the negative shit they said about the Ruskie never happened.

I bet they never bring that shit up. I mean, why would they? That would possibly be entertaining.

Judy Tenuta.....JUDY TENUTA!

How old is that picture?

“Russian woman are so sexy. They have great feet”

I'm guessing they're not going to bring up the fact that they spent nearly an entire show laughing at him. What other reason would there even be to have him on there? They'' throw him softball questions, Norton will ask something that is mind-numbingly stupid and gay little Sam will try to shoehorn rasslin into the conversation. This show sucks.

It's too bad because the guy is actually a pretty good podcast/talk show guest, he's got a helluva story. He used to write comedy or political cartoons in Russia or something like that, but if he fucked up or went to far they'd, y'know...kill him. I think he had to sneak out or the country or something too and had a couple close calls doing it.

Who's actually been to Branson, MO ? It looks horrendous

It's Las Vegas for people who don't drink or gamble.

So the Simpson's had an accurate description

Sounds absolutely horrible. Why isn’t Jimmy there?

Ah. That explains why boring Sam and boring Jim had him on their boring show.

It’s the most tourist trappy, gawdy shit hole I’ve ever been to.

ha! Was there a reason you went there? I’m obsessed with this weird fucking American city.

I think this redneck my dad worked with said that it was a good time; so he took us down there on a whim one summer. I was around 10 at the time and I knew even back then how tacky that place was. White trash as far as the eye could see

I hope you thanked him!

It's great if you want to see all the best comedic and musical talents from 1991

Only passing through, nice countryside

Is there anything worse than Russian food. jerkoff, I mean yakov comment?

Dude looks good for his age, though. No one from O&A aged that well, even with their collective plastic work

In Russia, radio show sucks on you!

Kinda looks like Tefft with hairplugs


ha! Was there a reason you went there? I’m obsessed with this weird fucking American city.