Nice punctuation, stupid.

11  2019-03-19 by RBuddCumia


Fuck this retard. Talentless cunt

He truly is awful

That's the bit, stupid.

He's literally retarded, how much do you honestly expect?


It should be a crime for the ugly to take selfies.

And miss out on all of BroJoe's gormless displays of vanity? I think not!

Teasing a retard

I bet he thinks he's Wayne.

He thinks he's smiling.

There’s an especially unpleasant circle of hell for people who humor, encourage, and/or give money to Mike or Bobo.

I'm starting to think Chip is actually plagiarized from this guy. Was that the evolution?

This retard's father should've walked into the ocean with him.

Who the fuck gave this idiot money?

Barely anyone, he only made 4% of his $16,000 goal. But I guess he isn't letting a complete lack of interest stop him.

Wow. He’s doing better than Slow Joe’s GoFundMe.

Still won’t be watchable.

he was born in richmond country his mom was a house

And his intellect is still somehow lower

No way that fails...

Does CumiaNet need a nighttime show?

He looks like my sickly great uncle who had a terrible car crash in his 40s. More retarded though.

I hope people call his show and fuck with him constantly. The only times when this spastic idiot is funny is when he loses his shit.

For him this is like Dostoyevsky-tier though.

Please,put this down.