I'm at a restaurant and they're playing Neil Sedaka's "Bad Blood." How do I explain the O&Averse to the waiter?

18  2019-03-19 by Single_Action_Army


Get on your knees & blow him. That's 2/3rds covered right there.

How does that factor in?

Hang yourself/ linger longer

Theres a bunch of fags who mock fags,post beefers, and post pictures of men they also seem fags/not fags.

Why would you? Just revel in that sweet Sedaka/John duet

why dont you just have your waiter a nice tip instead of being a spazz

Monkey has to hear my retarded musings first

Get up and start dancing like Neil Sedaka

I'll use my soap bowl to emulate his hair

Ask him to baby bird your order to you.

I tried explaining before to a friend and it doesn't work. Until you begin vocalizing "shock jock radio show" and "subreddit" you don't realize how truly autistic it all is. It'd be easier explaining The Daily Stormer and how six million Jews didn't die in the holocaust than explain this place.

I have proven this point

It’s easy. Shock jock becomes the very thing he used to mock.

le wacky O&A universe XD can't explain it to normies!!!11 holds up spork

Show her the Feed Nana art piece.

Kick him in there balls Andy yell,SO,SO,SO.