If you’ve been feeling down lately, and have begun to question some of your poor life decisions, remember it can be much worse.

70  2019-03-19 by RBuddCumia


that's pretty damn cool, I've never even seen a pest with a tat like that. most o and a tattoos are WOW related. here's my friend dustin getting one


"Friend" "Dustin"

The guy who thinks Russiagate is real is supposed to be some enlightened thinker. Give me a break.

It's an army of gay thoughts coming into landing, refueling on suppressed homosexuality which powers their home planet

Comment of the month.

The one at the top is lumpy and uneven.

Possibly the worst person to latch your personality to

Yeah, he's just an interviewer


He's not particularly bright.

I kind of understand a Jimi Hendrix or a Bill Hicks tattoo if its mixed in with an onslaught of forgettable and regrettable tattoos on some lunatic just trying to fill space. But this is just a weak faggot looking for a father figure. That's an expensive tattoo to get too. What a joke.

His third eye has glaucoma

Rogan looks like a bewildered retard

yea I agree very realistic tattoo

Life size too.

Fucking bad ass green sweater brah.

Why would anyone get a Dana White tattoo?

thats vin diesel bro.

At least they got the "empty void in skull" part right.

I bet he feels an extra amount or responsibility to post on r/joerogan

Pete Davidson’s latest addition?

It is that gay of a tattoo so possibly yes

He still hasn’t gotten good at Stand up

The pinnacle where nerd and fanboy meet.

That is almost retarded enough to be endearing. I would never do that to myself but I'm glad this faggot did.

But doesn't Rogan shit on people that believe in aliens and UFOs?

Looks like Curly with a five o’clock shadow.

life size portrait

Women are stupid but men are no better it seems.

thats cool but... you ever done dmt

thats vin diesel bro.

It is that gay of a tattoo so possibly yes