We'd all be dead now if it wasn't for this man.

216  2019-03-18 by ItsMyDealHereWade


None of you would know about 9/11 we're it not for my Intern David!

None of us would have experienced 9/11 if it wasn't for my Intern David

His people were responsible for 9/11.

He has the eyes of a sociopath


Oh, Bobo, why did you say that?

Oh, Bobo, what do you think, Bobo?

Oh, Bobo, you think she’s pretty, Bobo?

Mock him all you want, he alone cracked the case of "Why do they call him Bobo?".

That is an interesting name. Wonder if there's any reason they call him that.

Hi human! It's your 2nd Cakeday AxelSpott! hug

Fucking yikes. This is the equivalent of your mother kissing you as she drops you off to school. Mods can we ban faggot shit like this from the sub?

Fucking yikes. This is the equivalent of your mother kissing you as she drops you off to school. Mods can we ban faggot shit like this from the sub?

I forwarded that to the bot creator.

Why always this cornball shit. Why aren't there ever any bots that just pop in to remind us that chinks are inscrutable sociopaths without personalities.

The only good bot was the ludacris bot and some asshole mod here banned it

What did it do?

If you said ludacris it would spit a few lines from one of his songs. It was stupid and fun and too good for this place

Who banned and why can we not revolt

Opie. Nice man. Stabbed in the back. Very sad.

Huge mistake they made not hiring him in some bullshit associate producer capacity after the internship. Having him permanently in the rotation as an on-air talent you can go to whenever you want would have easily been worth his entry-level radio employee salary.

But it's that whole Jim Norton thing of hate Intern David, hate Bobo, hate Lady Di, the audience wants to hear from naughty porn stars and MMA fighters.

Jim Norton is a faggot


You Know I've Never heard his problems described so succinctly, but you're right

I feel like other producers were getting angry how much airtime David was getting. It's the only thing that makes sense.

I respect Ronnie B but David continuing to disrespect him by barging in on his show must have honestly pissed him off. I'm not saying Ronnie demanded anything but I wouldn't be surprised if O&A, R&F, and SXM came to an agreement that David wouldn't be hired post-internship.

That's the dumbest take ever. Ron was clearly "in on tge bit". If you think he was sincerely yelling at David then you are a bit on the slow side.

u/PatFnDuffy was the "Intern David interrupts Ron & Fez" bit staged or genuine?

These nobodies acting like they know for sure.

It was a bit.

However, the longer David was around, the more comfortable he got, and the less he was liked off air. I was let go from the show because of David. He always acted better than everyone and that he was above being there. Fuck David. I hated him from day one.

Sam crowning him “Executive Intern” probably didn’t help. Still, he was very funny on air.

Well shit fair enough then

Do you concede that you are a little slow like he said?

I wasn’t aware that he said this, but again, I am a little slow so you can’t blame me.

I wasn't talking to you, Patrick.

My apologies.

David was like the first retarded domino that led to your firing. But weren't you really let go because Club Soda Kenny was flexing his cunt muscles?

Yes but because he was protecting and favoring David.

He was better than everyone else there, though.

God be with you, no BS.


You're as dumb as they come.



I still see the problem, I mean, porn stars have always been riveting since the stern days. And by riveting, I mean so boring it is fucking enraging.

But dude, she's riding a sibian! Her puss is getting vibrated!

Holy shit I can't wait to listen to the audio of that, it sounds equal parts controversial and riveting

When you put it like that it sounds likr Stern is the most overpaid man in show business.

Boy howdy! Can you imagine turning on the radio and hearing girls making secytime noises!? My mom would be firing up the old word processor to shoot off the sternest letter!

That sounds like enough material for a 2+ hour long movie! He should play himself since he is such a handsome guy.

it was titilating for some in the pre good free porn days, but once porn was everywhere there was no need for that dreck, & only a selfish worm who cis driven by self-endulgent perversions would get a whoore on the show.

how does it feel

Hacky shit radio aimed at retards

Enraging? Do you always mimic lil Jimmy's phrases or just today?

Only when I’m done fucking your grandmothers’s asshole

Sorry to offend you. I know you love to listen to Spice Radio while you’re haulin down I-70

But it's that whole Jim Norton thing of hate Intern David, hate Bobo, hate Lady Di, the audience wants to hear from naughty porn stars and MMA fighters. That's where the humor lies.

Nice revisionist history. Cream Pie Jones and Danny confirmed in Porsalin's interviews that he was chosen as a bully victim/whipping boy, and the Full Grown Adult Gregg Hughes himself bullied and humiliated him whilst tag teaming with his faggot bat boy Sam Roberts in their endeavor to find someone, anyone, more universally disliked around the office than they were: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iHSuf7_gC0&feature=&t=78

If you think David would've accepted a job doing radio as opposed to accounting or doing law, you're fuckin retarded

Oh yeah the prestigious lure of the 9/11 gift shop absolutely lured him away from radio.

Murderers always return to the scene of the crime

I tried to connect with him on linkedin years ago. He started asking all of these questions about who I was. He didn't accept.

He really is all the worst parts of judaism.

....he's literally an usher at the 9/11 memorial; if you search the sub there's a photo of him working the coat check counter.

He seems like the kind of guy that would bring up his radio days to anyone that will listen.

Accounting. Lawyer. David. If I said banker, would you get the joke

hated denny too, how dare he..

How many different ways are you guys gonna spell Davoid? Come on, this will be as good as a Beetlejuice thread on the Stern sub

He still has Egyptian pyramid dust on his fingers

Hilarious line by Patrice.

And was fast too

Don't think it was on the air

He always seemed like a decent fellow. Definitely broke the stereotype of Jews ruining the world. Because nothing would get done if this guy was in charge

You'd be surprised how many like him run shit... remember he was very quick to make other interns his servants as well as cuddle up to the bosses and whoever he felt was important. People in charge need idiots like him.

This sub is full of good goys just waiting to lobby for their Jew masters.

David and Bobo show

with Stawkah Pyatti

"David and Bobo bitch nigga what"

Paging Dr. Faggot.

what did jared fogle ever do for us?

Fucked that kid

David shushing Jim and Anthony on his first day is the stuff of legends.

That’s the face Hitler warned the world about.

The curse of the Pharaohs.

Superior genetics

He has the eyes of a floater

The angry video game nerd?

Daniel Ben Dovid rubs hands. I wonder if Danny is still lurking about? I bet he is..

When David was flirting around with that married women on FB I believe, did her husband ever meet face to face with Young David?

Few people in this world made me laugh harder than David. I listened from WNEW days til 2014, he was the funniest thing in the history of the show for me. Also, the David & Bobo show.

Butthole eyes.

Best comment😆.... I would expect nothing less from a person with a username of yours

I've been saying this for years

He's still running away from Sam Roberts to this day, which is a natural reaction with anybody who looks at him

David my David.

I miss him

Ed Helms

Jim Norton is a faggot

I feel like other producers were getting angry how much airtime David was getting. It's the only thing that makes sense.

I still see the problem, I mean, porn stars have always been riveting since the stern days. And by riveting, I mean so boring it is fucking enraging.

But it's that whole Jim Norton thing of hate Intern David, hate Bobo, hate Lady Di, the audience wants to hear from naughty porn stars and MMA fighters. That's where the humor lies.

Nice revisionist history. Cream Pie Jones and Danny confirmed in Porsalin's interviews that he was chosen as a bully victim/whipping boy, and the Full Grown Adult Gregg Hughes himself bullied and humiliated him whilst tag teaming with his faggot bat boy Sam Roberts in their endeavor to find someone, anyone, more universally disliked around the office than they were: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iHSuf7_gC0&feature=&t=78

If you think David would've accepted a job doing radio as opposed to accounting or doing law, you're fuckin retarded

hated denny too, how dare he..