It all makes sense now. Only a retard would marry this fat unfunny cunt.

129  2019-03-18 by Random1200


Madly in love >>> ''It's completely retarded,yo!"

I can't believe she was ever fuck able

Five years and we'll have some very funny pictures on our hands.

Yep, I checked with Madame Zsa-Zsa; she sees a handsome dark strangler in their future.

Retard Mark Norman.

Ugly Jon Hamm

She's not picky when it comes to ham

Nor should she be

If I could only eat one animal for the rest of my life it would definitely be ham

Retarded John Ham

That niggah was in Baby Driver, amirite?

He can multiply mess hall level calories in his head.

some of those 7-Eleven rewards are getting pretty good. The place near me has 50 cent slices of pizza, and they're not bad slices.

The little Indian women tickled my prostate for slurpee bucks but I didnt see it advertised anywhere...

My 7-11 guy is from Bangladesh and loves to hate on Indian people.

cause bangladesh is sooo much better... they should rename that entire part of the world "shit in the streets"

My favorite cashier was from Nepal and I'd give him weed for booze. I miss that dude, he was replaced by some smelly faggot.

The Nepalese always run top-notch establishments.

Bangladeshis love to hate on Indians. I think I know why, but I didn't study political science, so I just assume they hate street shitters even though they are also street shitters.

Nah, you nailed it

Have you told him they all look the same to us?

Dear God I'll watch Nanette if you will take this turd into your presence.

Does he, or does she want an excuse for what will inevitably be an autistic kid because she waited until her womb was old and dusty to have a baby

Damaged good are always on sale. Get it while you can.

Whatever the baby is, you know it’s gonna have something to fit her into a “movement”. If somehow the kid isn’t developmentally disabled, I give that kid to the age of 3.5yrs old before she starts tweeting that her child is trans and has chosen a new name

He's got sperg face so I believe her

He looks like Little Carmine

Another widely acknowledged retard

We're in a fucking stagmire

They legally shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. That kid is going to be a straight up waterhead.

He is a zoophile! Anand God will judge them both

I'm assuming he's blind, too.

I'm not a psychiatrist but I think he might also be suffering from "secret fag disorder." No heterosexual man would ever marry that beast.

Mark Bormand might be the father. The timeline adds up.

You think this could be preemptive publicity because her baby is retarded?

It would be a fair assumption

Definitely. Haha, what a stupid bitch.

Of course. She is to old to be having babies, especially a first baby. Begore 25 of you missed the boat and get stuck with some spectrum kid who wont make eye contact

She NEEDS some sort of Buzzword association to stay relevant at all times. Always a click bait tag. I fucking hate her and I hope her kid grows up to die of an overdose death so she has to suffer with happy memories and his coffin images in her mind forever.


No. She would love that. Probably lie and say whatever buzzword takes fentanyl’s spot by then. Then she would market herself as an anti-opiate crusader and go on press runs about it.

It makes sense bc Amy is such a narcist that the only guy she would marry would be someone unable to have sensible & logical thoughts that might contradict her crazy ass.

So, like when she tweeted out that essay about how people shouldn’t do sexist or racist jokes anymore. Any reasonable partner would point out how hypocritical that is as well as harmful to women in comedy trying to get opportunities like she did from those type of jokes. Also that fact that there were many people saying that in the current climate their shouldn’t be racist/sexist jokes when that was Amy’s act but she dismissed that as anyone would dismiss her instead. But with an autistic husband he couldn’t comprehend any of that and just lets her be crazy with no interference


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I hope one day we find out he posts here, the circle of life.

Fucking LOL. The only person this far idiot could get is retarded.

Shes a drunk right?

who isnt autistic these days?

"Let's get retarded in here!" - That guys sperm talking to Amy's eggs

No man in his right mind would marry that sow.

To be fair he's probably a normal dude and she just says he has autism spectrum disorder because he has a couple hobbies he's 'soo into' that he doesn't seem to come home every night.

He says he's working on model trains in his friend's basement but really he's using her money to do blow and fuck hookers.

She's the kind of oversensitive PC idiot who would accuse anyone who didn't make eye contact with her big fat face on the autism spectrum. People just want to spend there time talking to other people.

Oink oink Duuuuuuuh

She's going with this so she can still Nick Mullen jokes on her next special. Fuck this fat ugly twat.

strident sow

I just remember her telling stories about getting fingered by a cab driver before selling out.

I doubt she has a kid with him. Sounds more like her relevance due to being a "proud" unfunny fatso who got "bullied" by people on the internet has run out, now she needs a new in. She'll be all over the autism thing in 2019, citing tweets people send her about retard-fucking. Don't fall for it, fellas.

This makes me fear for her child's well being.

Shit like this makes me question the will of God.

Just sayin'.

Oh fuck. It could have been any of us.

Oh for fuck sake, who isn't on the spectrum at this point? Using the new models, someone like Jim Norton would be deemed incapable of taking care of himself and be put in a home. Meanwhile, Amy's husband is probably just stupid (I say probably very loosely here) and Jim Norton is just a closeted queen with a deep rooted obsession to be a real celebrity.

Man she looks fucking busted. Even for a jew

The sad thing is she probably married him for a political move. Like wow what a saint for marrying a autis

Nor should she be