Totally not a gay pedophile.

28  2019-03-18 by RBuddCumia


I guarantee you he has never washed that hair visor

This is just moments before the "Live Birth Show" at The Big Apple Ranch

Look how zany Joe looks. What a character!

Nice hair hat, dickhead.

Joe celebrates Disney AND fleeing the country Scott Peterson.

Why is he always wearing this atrocity on his head? Does he think it makes him look cool or some fuckin shit?

Anthony can't afford to buy him individually placed follicles

I didn’t know they sold those hair visors at Six Flags in size Retarded

Individually placed follicles

Nice stretched out shirt collar you fucking low rent wop

Jorge Posada put on weight.

Grown men who wear Mickey Mouse shit should be executed.

He acts like he wears that hat as a joke, but he secretly likes pretending he has hair.

Don't have a cow man