Quick review of most recent Chip podcast

97  2019-03-18 by trampcake

It was fucking terrible.


I think we can take this review as given at this point.

Its been terrible since like episode 10. Shit got old so fast

Kerryn sucks on it and its getting too repetitive maybe 1 episode every month is tolerable

You had me at Kerryn sucks.

He's still doing those?

Yep, still wearing Wigs and hilarious glasses

Chips becoming a big star now. I can't even get him booked for our show anymore!

Isn't it part of his 3 year deal with Sirius? I'd love to see how pathetic the Chip podcast is in 2021

I trust you're judgment sir

Did "Chip" have a hat on

He brings on these unfunny cunts that make it excruciating

The few times Jim has done segments of the morning show by himself or with Travis or Vos when Sam's out have been laughably bad. No doubt Sirus knows this. I'm convinced Stern strategically ousted Opie and keeps Dim & Lamb around so he has soft, laughable competition.

Tedious Faggotry in the Morning (T-FAM) episode generator:

Step 1 - yesterday's Twitter trends. Start with nationwide to cast a big net but when all else fails, lead with what retarded Nebraskan teenagers are talking about for this fresh-faced show of two 50+ mics and their team of 40-something engineers

Step 2 - purposefully - and HILARIOUSLY - mispronounce nouns especially proper nouns for added "humorosity".

Step 3 - illiterately fumble your way through tediously introducing these banal topics, as line-by-line or minute-by-minute as possible, and repetitively repeat every step of the story especially if you can rehash the steps is a repetitively repeated manner or by "unhumorously" repeating what was just stated as a rhetorical question with a sarcastic "oh.. no?" at the end for added "uncomfortableness".

Step 4 - If you need to kill more time before your J-List third block interview comes in, return to the 'well of unentertaining go-tos:

1) Jim's loneliness, body dysphoria, perversions

2) Sam's infantile hobbies/diets/collections/existence


4) Ozzy/shitty metal, Paul McCartney/Beatles, the 12 films Jim's ever seen. The Simpsons lolol

5) Staff drama with interns Turd Magnet and Pube Pants!

Step 5 = continue to justify your inflated salary when you job requires two things: to be interesting on the radio, and communicate effectively without inventing retard words like 'humorosity", "unhumorously", "uncomfortableness" (all of which they've said because I'm pedantic), and going 'AHHH AHH UMMMM SO SO UHH LIKE YOU... WELL SHE WAS LIKE.. AND UH UH UH.. YEAH."

Step 3 - illiterately fumble your way through tediously introducing these banal topics, as line-by-line or minute-by-minute as possible

Oh God you just triggered me. Whenever they had some halfway interesting story to discuss with audio to go along with it, they'll listen to 10 seconds, pause and make an unfunny comment, rewind back to 2 seconds, listen up to 12 seconds, pause and make an unfunny comment, rewind back to 4 second etc

Those two should be executed

wasn't the poison thing something the opster came up with that morton stole?

Sam did a better show with Cathy Kelley than with Jim. 95% of Jim's jokes are the same predictable "shotgun toe attachment" or tranny shit, and that's only when he takes a break from pontificating about sccccumbags in a news story he hasn't read.

Sam is annoying for long periods of time. No matter what, but he is better than Jim Norton at just about everything. Especially comedy and Sam is about as funny as a letter from the IRS.

No argument from me. At least on his night show he seemed to give a shit. Jim couldn't care less about the quality of his show.

Jim has let Anthony turn that thing into a Compound Media infomercial.

It’s amazing that he doesn’t understand that a character who is funny for a minute here or there during a four hour broadcast cannot carry an entire podcast himself. How can anyone not understand that? How astonishingly dull is his mind? And he fancies himself an entertainer. Jesus fucking Christ. The waiter at Ruby Tuesday who hasn’t sold a script yet but is struggling to find representation knows better than gym does. All of his show business mistakes have been obvious and catastrophic. He owes everything he has to Andrew Dice Clay, Opie and Anthony.

Jim Norton is not funny.

I can't believe that you listened to the entire thing.

If Jim had half a brain he would target his stupid Chip show towards children, because those are the only people who would find that God awful garbage amusing. But the way it is he has infant-level comedy interrupted by tranny discussion or joking about child abuse.

They're still releasing those?

Strong review right there.