Hideous - "A fun ghost-train ride, full of truly terrifying moments. But once it's over, it's forgotten." - Gregg Hughes

42  2019-03-18 by crookedmile


Babadook lookin motherfuck

That Cumia behind him?

That scenes scared the girl i was dating at the time. Scared the fucking shit outta her. Shit actually launched out of her asshole and hit me in the FUCKIN face.

Did you marry this fucking maniac or what?

Nope. She was legitimately insane and had bad drug addictions. First and only girl to ever give me a rimjob though.

Not a bad girl overall then.
Did you ask for it or was she the initiator ?

She initiated it. She kept going down further and further then i was like huh..so this is about to happen. I felt weird afterwards and vowed to never let that happen again. Its pretty violating

It's not for everyone.

Why'd you have your face so close to her asshole?

I was joking about that part..obviously


lying is no vice in the quest for laughter


This sounds like excuse making to me.

If you marry a drug addict, you’re an absolute retard

what movie is this

Insidious. Pretty good scary movie until the 3rd act.,But the Conjuring is much better.


"I'm still insidious." - the nanadook

This quick scene made me jump, I loved this movie. The sequels were total shit.

Quick scene? Nice jump scare stupid