The many faces of Anthony Cumia

678  2019-03-18 by ChanceArm


Side bar this now mods. Bravo.

That last one reminds me of Salamanca from breaking bad.

ding ding Nana want boypussy

Ended up in that wheelchair because Sue’s deformed clitoris ravaged his manhole.

"Did they turn off your chicocitas?


haha ding ding


Just the bottom right highly zoomed in.

That's worth 10 Domino's Dollarydoos

To feed nana

Oh yeah, pissy eyed Tony needs horrendous acne

Clearly crossbred with something

Goofus can't find his firearm after a skirmish with his live-in girlfriend.

Gallant keeps his weapon at his side at all times in case of excessive Lip.

The Fuher himself couldn’t have drawn a better picture. Bravo


This is good, very good.

Holy shit, this really chronicles his bizarre transformation. Well done.

His nose at age 28 is killing me

Some of you guys are so fucking talented.

I’m addition to being cruel cunts.

Nice I'm, stupid

I'm thoroughly agree with you

Nice actual artistic talent, meticulous work and flawless presentation, stupid.

Thinking about a puppet.

Thinking about Allah.

Thinking about treasure.

Thinking about where it all went wrong.

Top right - The Laughing Cavalqueer.

Which one was called sexy

Homeless Inigo Montoya on the top right.

Inigro Montoya

My name be Inigro Montoya, I have no idea who my father be, bess be finna die n' sheeeit.


He’s 57 years young

A child of the ‘80s

A child lover, in his 80s

He drinks papaya juice from a can

The only positive is, he hasn’t aged much in the last 30 years..

Now, the negative there is that when he was 28, he looked 50.

I was really amazed when I did some research and found out his age when the Antwan Kumiya photos were taken

I'm guessing you based the top right one on this picture. He would've been around 30 there. Imagine that being your fucking prime.

Looks like a photo from the set of The Wedding Singer.

vuuuuuuryyyy good this should be in a museum

Love that you gave Nana a pearl necklace.

Ant insisted

Well he's been clutching them a lot recently so it seemed appropriate


He's aged 15 years since 2015

57 yeerz young...58 in March


I haven't actually laughed at something on here in a long time.. this is good

👍. Impressive

No wonder he turned to pedophilia. Who could possibly love him?

A dentist.

Top right looks like Descartes suffering from anaphylaxis.

The top right one looks like Danny Ross

Art like this is exactly what this sub needs.

Tony Piss-Eyes looks like the Grinch.

This looks like one of those medical journal photo arrays of the progression of syphilis

This sub features some of the most asinine wastes of genuine talent I have ever seen in my life.

A masterpiece

Goddamn that's good.

The many faces of racism.

He really is a fucking shapeshifter

A cumileon

The fuckin' mouth on Nana's going to give me nightmares.

individually placed dentures

Somebody posted that amazing Penguin looking pic of Nana the other day...please Jesus tell me that’s real and not a shop.


Puritan Anthony on the top right. Nice drowning of innocent women stupid.


Jesus, there's nothing about this that could be improved upon. Michelangelo couldn't improve on this. Amazing.

OP is a genuinely talented waste of life. That's some seriously good characture.

one of the highest voted threads ive ever seen and deserves every vote

this is actually good.

I want to someday find out that he had a sense of humor about himself again and had this framed in his home

You and me both. He's legitimately my favorite subject to draw from this expanded O&A universe

He lost his sense of humor when he envisioned himself a leader of the conservative right. Which is fucking laughable. He was all of a sudden a serious man with serious opinions!

Ugh, just be what got you the gig stupid

Bar of Side

Wow I just went through your other artwork. Can we have a stickied megathread? Every single one is gold.

Fuck lmao the last one is great.

This sub is one long angry cry into a pillow.

Nana touch derr

Holy shit this is good lmao