Just listened to Jim and Sam for the first time live.

13  2019-03-18 by telav

I had no idea it could be this bad. My god. Jim started the show by complaining and now Sam is talking about his favorite rides at Disney Land.


you couldn't make up a shittier subject to talk about if you were broadcasting to the dead

They just topped it when Jim likened a YouTuber having to apologize for joking about cumming on his cat to Stephen King having to apologize for killing kids in a book. He only knows one author.

Kinda edgy but mainstream, dark subject matter. Stephen King is the worm's literary Ozzy.

Jim started the show by complaining

Huge if true.

I heard some of the Mark Normand interview and Mark and to his credit even Sam(!) are trying to conduct a funny retelling of Mark's Good Day Cleveland interview. But Jim keeps derailing it by acting like that interviewer was the first attractive woman he's seen in a decade. "FAWK! She's so sexy, dude!" "What's her name, she's so sexy!" So he's basically Stavros without the laughing now.

So he's basically Stavros without the laughing now.

You mean 'he's a crucial part of the podcast?'

No, I said Stavros, not Adam.

extended cackling

The only time Jim and Sam is bearable is if Mark is in there trying to remind them that jokes still exist and should be part of the show.

Yup it's getting really bad. I just listen to here the occasional uncle paul reference


Well what else is there

Jim is becoming Anthony, but instead of complaining about black people, it’s mundane shit like eggs and uber drivers.

It's the worst show on radio. It is way worse than any show they ever jocktobered and even worse than Opie & Jim. At least that show had a really uncomfortable cringe factor to it. Jim & Sam is literally just a bunch of nothing.

Seinfeld without structure or jokes.

Do they still have the obnoxiously long intro song, with every soundbyte that made them laugh over the first year, and fresh references from Micheal Keaton's Batman, and Tim Allen's "Home Improvement" grunt?

They have like an ironic, peppy, 90s sitcom theme sounding song now. They play some soundbites but it's not the same stuff.

Is it that peppy "Heeyyyyyyyyy everybody. (Something) Jim and Sam!" one?

I stopped listening just about when that band sent it in, and they liked it as a theme song, and of course they decided to just tack it on the end of the existing theme of drops and nonsense.

Yes, that's the one.

number two show on Sirius.

What was wrong with his Uber today?

I don't listen but sometimes a clip pops up under my recommended every now and then so I listened to them talk about the Mark Normand morning show video. 6 minutes into the video and they were still only 5 seconds into the Mark Normand video. Sam plays 1 second and stops and interjects like a fucking retard. Its literally unlistenable.

No, I said Stavros, not Adam.