The Photographer shot himself in the head after not being able to get the stench out of his nose for a month

7  2019-03-18 by bonniesretardsister


Look it's a woman being bawdy and crass. That's funny. I like funny.

‘Her crowning acheivement’ HAHAHAHA get?! Because woman has vagina! Funny vagina! Woman funny!

Yuck. How many times will she mention her pussy/ass.

She has a new joke about how she called Mitch McConnell to tell him her vaginal discharge is brown.

I thought it was Mitch Conner?

This is why what Patreeky said gave me the profound realisation of why feminism is redundant.

Men who equate everything to their dicks are retarded but when women start telling everyone that we have respect that they equate everything to their vagina it just makes me wonder why it’s any different than the cunty douchebags they want to oppose.

How about all these stinky snatch queens find a way to value themselves without using their envelope as a safety net of meaning.

Tbf, Patrice got played like a sucker. Not as bad as Burr, but still pretty bad.

Von wasn’t exactly third world ugly though.

True. She's not. But he gave advice on women and got played by one that wasn't exactly Vanessa Williams. He also fucked himself by being a bit too surly- the role of Darryl on The Office was for Patrice. But he fucked it up and is best known as Sea Monster. If he played his cards right, the money from residuals/Netflix deal for The Office would be enough money to not have a stupid fucking benefit for Von and his mom every year. On many things he had interesting takes and pretty good advice. On women, he failed the simple test of practicing what he preached.

How did patrice get played? I haven't heard this one.

if its any consolation, about 15-20 out of 100,000 woman still die during childbirth in the country every year!

Fucking pathetic.

She isn't insightful, intelligent, humorous or particularly talented at anything at all. In short, she needs to wrap it up. Push out her sperm meat and go away.

What will they blame this failing on now?

Fucking disgusting.

we can laugh at her because she laughs at her self

taking the bullets out of our proverbial guns she is

such a machavelian mind, shes not just, shes got a brain on those pretty shoulders

She is completely without substance or character.

I can only imagine what the before photoshopped version looks like.

I'm sure someone will help with that.