Happiest time of his life.

317  2019-03-18 by AntsCamera


This is terrifying.

It troubles me just how much effort was put into it too

This should be a mosaic in the Vatican.

Or, one of those fountain statues with a water feature.

Are there fountains without a water feature? Stupid.

It's the fucking photo realism that strikes horror in my heart. Plus the body resembles that creepy dancing baby commercial from years ago


This sub is the best

If you listened to Ant for over 10 years this picture is psychologically detailed to an unnerving degree.

Yeah we have some legitimate Hannibal Lecters in this sub.

Yeah it’s just missing the baby dick

The fact that I immediately understand the context of this image disturbs me to no end.

It was a story, repeated often, on the show this sub is dedicated to. I don’t think there are deep layers of darkness here, Jim.

Holy fuck

We to low

Sum ting Wong

Band Ding Ow.

The other day I was looking through all the pictures I have saved, and when this one popped up I thought to myself how fucking weird this place is and how weird I must be for being a member here.

We as members, have a duty to deny our involvement with this sub in our personal lives. This place should be to us what The Big Apple Ranch is to Joe. Occasionally, one of us shoves a roasted chicken up our ass for a "Live Birth Show" while everybody else catcalls and cheers it on (metaphorically of course). Everybody has a blast. But we must never talk about this sub outside of here. If I see one of you boys on the street, we don't know each other. Look away, and I'll do the same.

Ain't it fun?

The amalgam of trauma and arousal Anthony will feel when he inevitably sees this, might finally be enough to make him take that lethal dosage of bud light and Xanax we've been waiting for. Your drawing will have to be shown on TV every time someone talks of his death.

Its been posted here for an hour, which means he’s seen it at least 45 minutes ago


you forgot joe trying to get anthony to spit in his mouth.

This is one of those "the longer your stare at it" kind of pieces.

That's exactly what lil Anthony told papa cumia in the shower

This shit has always been horrifying, but in a funny way.

Can’t wait to dry off and do a dance recital in mommy’s shoes 😊

I wish the guy that made these wasn't banned for making the creepy diddling one with Anthony and an underage girl... the man was very talented.

cant they just make another account?

Wait, what? Is there like a gallery of his work?

I only heard Anthony tell the story of his father rubbing shit on his mouth for smarting off. I thought it was excessive the way he told it then, but now, looking back at the cunt Ant is, I fully understand his father's choice in rubbing that man shit on lil Anthony's pocked marked faggot face.

I only heard Anthony tell the story of his father rubbing shit on his mouth for smarting off once a long time ago

How did I never hear this?

Anthony experienced the original "baby diaper moustache", but I guess Cowboy Joe Cumia Sr was a little too drunk to have good aim.


Of course Ant's eyes were drawn straight to his cock.

I wish i had a Seinfeld joke for this... i do not.. maybe Hogan’s Heroes or some shir? Cmonnn

Is this the same guy who made the photo of him sitting next to Sue Lightning completely ashamed of his actions?

Lil nigga

This sub is the sisteen chapel of being a cock head.

I don't know whether whoever drew this deserves a Turner Prize or the lethal injection.

That guy drew a lot of great shit. I think his username was justneedtologon.. he was arguing with Danny Ross then his account was either deleted or he nuked it himself.

Did anyone archive his stuff?

So getting pissed on isn’t good for your skin

This is chilling

When this was first posted, an astute user commented "you captured Anthony's homosexuality really well here."

I love Ant, and I’ve been a CM subscriber since day 1, but this might be the funniest picture ever posted on this sub. I laugh every time.

You what?

I must’ve remembered to la-iff

Ant-tack on Titan

I mean, that grout work is tight.

I only heard Anthony tell the story of his father rubbing shit on his mouth for smarting off once a long time ago

How did I never hear this?

Anthony experienced the original "baby diaper moustache", but I guess Cowboy Joe Cumia Sr was a little too drunk to have good aim.