
88  2019-03-17 by DigNity914


You leave Bray Wyatt alone.

the eater of pies

How the fuck is IRS's son, such a flat schlub?

I remember when vice started showing up on television and I thought it would be cool to watch some shows, until they started parading this faggot on every other commercial.

This nigga had a show on vice where you watch him and his homies smoke and watch ancient aliens. You gotta be a special type of retard to watch that.

I’ve watched it while smoking they are so dumb it’s kinda funny. But ya can’t imagine that being a popular show Viceland must be hemorrhaging money

I didnt mind his fuck that's delicious show. It's better background noise than most of the other shit on TV

The musical guests he had on were pretty good lol


Haven’t seen it, but it sounds more entertaining than jimmy’s talk show.

Watching lawns grow is more entertaining than that shit.

I’ll respect him for walking away from Vice, apparently they wanted his fat ass to keep going to the same food spots in NYC. So he told them to go fuck themsleves. Now vice had a show about sex with a ugly, big nosed, porn star hosting. Quality Tv right there


This fat Bavarian turd pie is so full of himself it makes me sick

Don't associate him with Aryan cuisine.


Nice emojis, queer

The prussian purist would call most bavarians dinaric.

Absurd. Mediterranean and Nordic.

Ja genau, but don't be all factual, it's supposed to be a slur.

Roy Nelson?

Whenever I see him I want rack of lamb.

He's also as tall as he is wide. 5 foot nothing fat lawn gnome.

I still don't get this Jew's appeal.

he's a big fat fuck, you see

How fat do you have to be for your knuckles to disappear?

He's pretty good

He is but I wish he wasn't

White guy acts black. Compelling entertainment

Nigga was a chef who broke his leg or some shit and then decided to be a rapper, because he couldn't cook for a few months.

Chef is a little self important more like line cook

He's Albanian.

They're white. Bottom of the barrel white but still.

Even worse

Twisted off the jenkem watchin Iron Chef

he's also albanian

Ghostface Killah impersonating ass nigga

He said he would string Action up like a hog.

He’s an entertaining guy but he really did just take every element of Ghosts style, sound, flow & delivery & act like it was his own. I’m surprised he wasn’t shamed more & pushed out of of the music industry for such a blatant rip-off of a hip-hop legend. A lot of people in music are heavily influenced by other musicians they grew up on, like Bob Dylan has influenced generations of artists but I never heard someone sound identical to their musical heroes like Action Bronson does.


Well I'm black so..

Weed is a psyop

I used to think Bronson was pretty cool but fame has gone to his head, he comes off as such an arrogant prick.

He’s a decent rapper.

He's a cunt

Blue Chips 2 was a great album, but I guess I cant say I know what hes been up to since then to wind up here...

Nah Action Bronson is good shit.

He's a fucking horrible annoying faggot especially on that horrible show where he watches Ancient Aliens, which is already a stupid piece of shit program, and just makes retarded comments while he smokes weed. If you added up just the minutes of coughing this fat faggot does in those shows you'd end up with a full episode of just that by the end of the season.

Blue Chips is a great album though, no excuses. He's got good lyrics for such a retard. Some solid tracks on a few other albums too but even his music became terrible as the years went on.


This fatass should be named "Skin Tag Line Cook"

Dr. Lecter was great when it came out, it actually sounded like an album from the 90’s. But yes he has increased in faggotism tremendously ever since

And who is this retarded looking, stoned, obese, unwashed Mick?

He said he would string Action up like a hog.

He’s an entertaining guy but he really did just take every element of Ghosts style, sound, flow & delivery & act like it was his own. I’m surprised he wasn’t shamed more & pushed out of of the music industry for such a blatant rip-off of a hip-hop legend. A lot of people in music are heavily influenced by other musicians they grew up on, like Bob Dylan has influenced generations of artists but I never heard someone sound identical to their musical heroes like Action Bronson does.