Attn all poor people, women, and minorities: stop thinking for yourselves. Your white savior has arrived

15  2019-03-17 by ants_ccw_permit


I hope his wife gives him the ol Phil Hartman wake up call

Her live in boyfriends take good care of him. When they're not busy running a train on her they use his mouth like a fleshlight.

No wonder his daughter left

But daddy, there are child labor laws I can't help that I'm not in your tax bracket I just want to be loved šŸ˜„

I thought you was gone woman. Wb.

I never left.

Wouldn't be the same place w/o you.

She hated being molested from what I hear. Having a grown man ask her to poopoo and peepee in his mouth was probably the final straw.

No wonder he has been silent about R Kelly.

Has anyone tried reaching out to his ex to get the real info about what a creep he is?

Posts the receipts showing us you cleared, let alone earned, that much, fat child.

In your not at all day shirtless photo in the snow we saw your ghetto ass handrail. That street is filled with houses that people earning, not clearing, 45k/year would own.

He can't be. The latest shit novel is ranked 154,156 in Kindle sales and 937,665 in print.

That comes out to 27 books sold on Amazon a month. Even if he were making 100% commission, that's not even $6,500 in income annually from the largest book sales channel out there.

Let's not sell him short just yet; don't forget all the income he must have from stand-up comedy.

Do you even know what a Milwaukee bouncer makes?

Lots of high caloric foods?

And gay selfies.

The absolute balls on this faggot to use the word brainwashing. Someone earlier said at least brother Joe is endearing with his stupidity, I fucking hate this fat fuck.

What wife? Child.

there is no way his wife employed 3 people and has a 401k that she matches. not a chance with that few employees

Exactly. Plus double minimum wage still isnā€™t a ā€œliving wageā€.

15$/hour isn't enough for you in a fly-over state?

That's about 1.8k a month. It's doable. But you better not date or have any medical or financial emergencies. It sure as fuck would be hard to own a house and a car with notes at 30k a year.

if you dont go to school or anything there's no excuse to clock in less than 50-60 hours a week

What is this fat pussy banging on about? Good servers and good looking young servers make a lot of money. Every server Iā€™ve known had to take a pay cut when they grew up and got a real job (career). Servers that donā€™t make good money look like dogshit or have a shitty lazy fucking attitude that turns off customers. But itā€™s not a career. Itā€™s a nice job for teens and college kids who want cash and flexibility.

You are not qualified to discuss this topic until you've disclosed your salary, child.

Almost nobody actually earns minimum wage. It's just a cut-off point, where people with a lower productivity are no longer allowed to work.

It ultimately depends on the atmosphere the restaurant wants to provide. Rarely will you come across a server under 30 at a really high end restaurant, they want people that can relate to their guests. The people eating at 100$ a person places generally aren't truckers doing a nation-wide hooters tour or college kids having a night on the town

Does he know the numbers to the right of the decimal don't count?

My tax dollars subsidize business owners lifestyles

Abolish the welfare state. More pople will work and the market will push wages up. Also seal the borders.

How is he clearing 6 figures when the only time I ever see or here about this guy is right here on the sub?

His ass is 52, gunt is 64 and tits are 58....I guess that's six figures.

This fatfuck brags about made up shit a lot.

He's got six figure receipts, child

How vulgar.

I wonder if the IRS know he clears 6 figures/.

"Let's try to think of a term we can use that sounds sympathetic to demand money with." "Poverty?" "No, that has an actual definition. We need something we can constantly change the definition of to cook statistics with..." "Um, a living wage?" "Genius!"

If they don't earn a "living wage," how are they not dead?

And enacting a higher minimum wage no more makes you richer than raising the minimum age in a club makes you older. It just means fewer people get in.

Anyone who mentions or talks about there money as if we should be "impressed" is obviously insecure about how much they make and most likely is making shit money. Sad insecure fucks.

As someone that cleared six figures last year

This guy is actually pretty funny.

Isn't the requirement that the companies like McDonald's pay their employees? Isn't it worst if people have to get on welfare while having a job?