Why did Bonnie MacFarlane marry Bitch Vos?

9  2019-03-17 by asdfghjklfk


for somewhere to live in New York

They live in New Jersey.

no wonder she's so moody all the time

her mother told her to go to America, marry a jew, get stupid rich

vurrrry gud

Nice Florentine joke, stupid.

she aspired to his intellect and humour

Because she's a retarded Scot

Ever met one who isn't?

Sean Connery

Alexander Fleming.

So, when he dies, she can inherit his coast to coast network of $350 one nighters at Chuckle Huts and Laff Stops.

Dumb Opie desperately wanted her but stupid Vos had a better looking future.

Serious answer? She has incredibly low self-esteem, largely due to her upbringing. She's from hick shitsville, Canada and grew up on a farm with a couple of hardworking but joyless meat puppets for parents.

She has told stories about how her father patting her on the head was about as effusive a display of affection she ever got from him and that when she got acute appendicitis as a 10 year old, her parents drove her the 3 hour trip to the nearest hospital and left her there for a week as she recovered from surgery.

With that kind of start in life, she was ripe picking for any creep with a nose for damaged. Plus Vos being a jew with a bit of confidence and some drug stories must have seemed like the most interesting guy ever to a yokel like her.

Didnt they just stick her on the bus to the hospital?

Yeah actually it could've been that.

How beautifully unfortunate

He was the first white guy on Def Comedy Jam


It doesn't matter. He's stuck with her now

To get close to Opie.

Apparently she had an even more deadbeat disgusting jew for a bf before Vos, he was actually a step up for her. Also had an affair with het old college professor,bitch is daddy issues

Didn't she used to go out with that fag from Firefly? The guy's worth about $20 mill. I'm sure she doesn't regret it didn't work out as Vos struggles to make the mortgage payments every month.

She needed someone she could dominate

Vos reminded Bonnie of her sister.