If you ever ask for something to be "ELI5" you deserve to be blood eagled

2  2019-03-16 by BeigeFagquency


Nice "If you ever x, you deserve to be y'd," stupid


Shut up BeigeFagqueercy

Ok faggot.

Eli5 the opieandanthony subreddit from 2013-2019

Autism and substance abuse.

The ‘Weimar Republic’ era of the subreddit, aka the ‘storm before the storm.’

A period of political instability, hyperinflation, and Cabaret shows. The heady days of beefer and dumper posting while we await a charismatic leader to unite the subreddit, conquer the rest of the site, and start banning undesirables.

Join my Freikorps the Reutin' Teutons.

I'm not a reddit what does eli5 mean? Explain it like I'm blood eagle

Grown men punch. Not yank their little peepees over a tv bit you cumslobbering chemical eunuch.

I'm a chemical eunuch like Michael Jackson - a hee-heee.

I knew I'd heard it recently. I'd be spiking the punch with that shit at my next suppliers meeting if I had some.