Two faggots arriving in court

70  2019-03-16 by Nuwanda84


Still can't believe he was actually on the people's court

And that he tried to bring up this sub but the judge dismissed it like it was some deranged jargon.

How did "I didn't want to bring up Reddit" make it past the editing room? The whole ordeal couldn't have gone better for us and worse for him.

Even if she let him explain, people would find it hard to believe that there is a sub, dovoted to a radio show that has defunct since 2014, and that is dead set on ruining his life, one of the host’s brother. It sounds fucking crazy

My favorite part is that the only truthful thing he says, about us tormenting him for being Anthony’s brother, the judge outright dismissed as “far fetched.”

We don't torment him for being Anthony's brother. We torment him for being a delusional, self-important faggot

Joe was well liked (mostly) until late 2014. He got criticized for some of his boring phone calls, but most fans still liked him and wished him well. It isn’t like people sought him out to hate him. The amount of goodwill that was destroyed by almost everyone associated with the show is astonishing. Amazing what you do when you get too full of yourself to be funny, or failing that, to be polite to the people who used to support you. People wonder why some of the old fans can like or even love drunken Diana so much. She never changed, and she was actually nice to listeners when they interacted with her. If anything, she was too eager to please everyone because of her low self-esteem. But the fact remains, she never hit any of the fans with the spray bottles and paper towels and called them racial slurs - Literally or figuratively.

They had to have known, instinctively, that it was high comedy.

No shit. When I heard he was going on the Peoples Court I knew he would more than likely make an ass of himself, but never did I think he would mention us much less it make it past the editing room floor.

Enough of the 82nd airborne gear, you fucking potato peeler

We really need to get that dd214

Only six more months knowing how slow federal mail moves AM I RIGHT LADIES? 🍒🥂🔪🍾

Did someone request it?

Yea ~2 months ago, still a few weeks to go, on a serious note..

I'm sure you can find it through searching


He probably sees those youtube vids of veterans getting a break from shit like parking tickets, while trying to visit the VA, and thought he would get the same kind of preferential treatment.

Joe probably says he doesn't go to the VA because the system is fucked but in reality he doesnt qualify due to getting kicked out.

No, as his mother knows, he doesn’t visit any place that houses and cares for sick or suffering people.

501st PIR

Easy Company

Band of Faggots

After he burned his SoA gear he was without a fake idententity to cosplay. Hence the stolen valour.

Who's the flesh-brick in the blue dress?

I think it is his emotional support animal

She is still, somehow, too hot for him.

this piece of shit wore a military t-shirt to the filming of a tv court show when he was a goddamned potato peeler

Why is he being followed by Emperor Palpatine?

Who is that dude who showed up with him and why is he wearing a dress?

The way he bursts through the door to the fuckin People's Court music and then holds the little gate open for the crypt keeper is some of the funniest shit ever.

what? he’s being a gentlemen. Don’t you hold the door for your wife when you’re on TV to defend that racists can enter into contracts as long as they’re not pedophiles?

Just look at that badass with a gentlemanly touch holding the door for that babe

Long Island trash

Does anyone still have that Apollo 13 video about his peoples court appearance? I can't find it.

It's one of the greatest things this sub has ever done.

It really captured the moment.

You are a saint on ert

This is the smartest I've ever seen him look.

I’m sorry, you are mistaken, that’s the door you were looking at. Joe is that lumpy thing opening it.

Well - it is tv and they do use makeup. That makeup artist should be nominated for an award then.

oof that is one ugly woman

Anyone notice how much older he looks in those recent basement karaoke pictures? How long ago was this court appearance? He has aged almost 20 years since then. All kidding aside, I wonder if he is sick.

If he’s sick he can always do a GoFundMe. God knows we need the laughs around here.

Nice gut, tubby.

joe cumia: 1

judge milian: 0

I have the same dress as his old lady. I paid 14.99 for it like four years ago at Forever 21.

Do you plan on burning it?

It really captured the moment.

Do you plan on burning it?