Rule for Fatrick and his ilk: you don’t get to call people “incels” if the only women you’re able to get are complete dogs

80  2019-03-16 by nainaneleven

Can we start pushing back against these fucking numales who’ve decided that because they’re able to bang horrendous-looking women, they’re somehow superior to guys who don’t get pussy at all?

These lumpy-faced dorks throw the term around constantly whenever they’re arguing with any guy to the right of them. But heresh da thing: if the only women you’re able to get are complete dumpster fires, then you’re not qualified to use “you don’t fuck” as a burn because — while you may technically fuck — the only people willing to sleep with you are so unappealing that nobody else wants them. It’s like a homeless guy bragging that he sleeps under a bridge instead of on the sidewalk. It’s meaningless. .

I mean even actual self-identifying incels probably don’t want to bang the women most of these progressive betas get. You think Elliot Roger couldn’t have convinced some smelly 2 with stained teeth to touch his penis if he really wanted to? They’re mad because they aren’t fucking hot girls, you dummies, not because they aren’t fucking at all.

By the way, isn’t using sex to tacitly claim status a form of toxic masculinity? Sounds like you’re objectifying women to me, dude. Very bad praxis.

In summation, men who’ve never been near a respectable pussy in their life should avoid throwing stones in their very, very, very transparent glass houses. Thank you all for tolerating my autism.


Elliott Rodger could have fucked hot chicks, though.

R.I.P. Supreme Gentleman.

His lips were like pillows

Yeah dude drove a mercedes or BMW or something and he was in college in southern california.

I’d fuck him.

Nah, he was a short, frail half Asian guy in SoCal. He was doomed from the beginning.

He had $$$ too though, it’s his submissive asian mom weird fag father than made him such a psycho. Lots of half asian kids have a weird complex thinking they shouldn’t exist or something because money is the only reason their dad got their mom.

They're right, aren't they?

Hapas is one of my favorite places on Reddit

He really could have fucking cleaned up in the pussy department. I truly don’t get the Supreme Gentleman

Supreme Gentleman is way more meta than you think, my brah.

Check out the empties bruthaman

His dad is the First Unit Director of The Hunger Games films. The author of the novels those films are based on resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

Nah. Claiming you're too good for pussy still makes you an incel faggot.

Incel, MGTOW, redpill, it's all excuses for social ineptitude. Pat can troll those losers all he pleases. Every beast tramples the grass.

Go kiss him on his butthole then

I understand you guys have some girly drama with this Patrick guy but I still don’t know who he is or understand why I should care to hate him.

I’m sure he’s a big fag and I know he talked shit about the sub, which is enough for him to have to pay for his transgressions, but why do you care about this nobody?

He's a fuck, what else do you need to know? Never go against the family, tranthasaurus.

Fair enough.

your dead to me

The same with the Cumia ballwashers. We’ve seen their wives.

What’s the story about Fred from Brooklyn’s wife cheating on him?

"Can we start pushing back against something we've already been pushing back against?"

I’ve honestly yet to see anyone making this specific criticism anywhere, let alone this sub.

its always weird to me when i hear that incel thing as an insult in the mainstream. just by using it as an insult you're implying that you would jump through hoops for a vagina. like, how is that better?

This is so fucking pathetic. You can act like you and these other faggots don’t fuck because you have high standards, but it’s because you’re cowards. You don’t have to bend over backwards to get laid, you just have to not be repellant. It’s really easy, but you’ll never find out if you just sit in your room and drink all day, beta fag.

FYI I’ve fucked both attractive and unattractive women (like many people here) and don’t blame anyone but myself when I do go through a dry spell. Thanks for the unnecessary pep talk though, dipshit.

Oh FYI: Whenever I think this place is too cynical for embarrassing takes like yours I’m reminded how fucking wrong I am. Seems like the term “incel” hurts your feelings and then you wrote a whole report about it. It’s pathetic.

It’s made pretty clear in my post that I’m not siding with incels and that I just don’t like progressive beta nerds forgetting their place so if you’re projecting a bunch of incel rage onto my post then you’re probably just shit at reading comprehension.

Like I said, I do alright with women. Not great, not terrible either. You probably fuck 10s every night though, right?

No I don’t. I’m just a regular guy like you’re pretending to be. Don’t have a mental breakdown over it.

Why don’t you just call me a special snowflake and be done with it? Christ, you argue like a woman.

I just don’t know If you’re the guy who should be deciding who the betas and alphas are, considering your mental health status. It’s like you’re trying to confirm the jokes Marc Maron and Ant say about this place.

Look, I’m not denying that I’m an autistic faggot, I just think it’s pretty obvious that you’re one too. Why are you trying to make out like I’m the sensitive one when you’re blatantly just as invested in this stupid back-and-forth as I am?

Go play armchair psychologist somewhere else, fella.

Mods please delete this embarrassing essay

I got the point from the title and it wasn't that interesting in the first place.

I'd fuck Fatricks wife. You know if it wasn't for the fact that she bangs all those colored dudes on the side.

Who gives a shit? Get a diary.

"Heh I'm completely happy with this lazy woman and her appetite. You guys are suckers."

Anyone who uses millennial leftist slang should be gassed anyway

I thought incel was an anti-left thing considering the logic. I dont think Fatrick is banging anything with his book-giving pick up technique

It’s the new “you live in your moms basement, trailer” for the unoriginal low IQ people.

New Rule from Bill Maher today.

I deserve that.

The worst is how they will call people incels for saying something not remotely related to women, it’s just their new little buzzword.

They only call white conservatives incels. Indian guys and Asian guys exhibit way more entitled "all women are sluts" behavior than anyone and they get a pass for some reason.

If you're not nice to them they'll come shit all over your street.

Nice manifesto, stupid.


What is it with male journalists calling anyone to the right "incels"? Have you seen the typical male journalist? They are completely unfuckable and low test.

Because they think being a groveling white knight is how a guy gets laid.

why aren’t more people harassing Fatrick on instagram? i called him fat & gay on one picture & it took him more than 18 hours to block me. seems like i’ve exposed a weakness in the system...

I'm surprised Brother Joe has latched on to calling people incels. He picked up on soyboy rather quickly once he heard it.

That's easier, it rhymes.

Im college educated hammer dicked married and have 3 kids but still get called an incel like 8 times a day. Im with Opie on this one, I pay the haters ZERO mind.

No, you're right. Bragging about that stuff is incredibly low-brow and unattractive. I told him that too, but he bailed and complained.

R.I.P. Supreme Gentleman.

I’ve honestly yet to see anyone making this specific criticism anywhere, let alone this sub.

Yeah dude drove a mercedes or BMW or something and he was in college in southern california.

I’d fuck him.

Nah, he was a short, frail half Asian guy in SoCal. He was doomed from the beginning.

Because they think being a groveling white knight is how a guy gets laid.

He really could have fucking cleaned up in the pussy department. I truly don’t get the Supreme Gentleman

His dad is the First Unit Director of The Hunger Games films. The author of the novels those films are based on resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.