
159  2019-03-16 by TranthonyRapesKids


I'd like to think at one point Joes doctor said " congratulations Mr Cumia you are 100% synapse free and yes you've told me many times who your little brother is"

That mug looks so ugly, I think you Photoshoped each part of the face.

Brain dead

Whats with that joker smile?

Bovine as mug

Indians worship this fool

There's just notice going on behind those eyes. Seriously low wattage.

Sherrod Cumia.

What a stupid looking Puerto Rican.

Luis Gomez does look whiter to me.

Cud chewin ass nigga

cool guy

Fucking mesmerized by a camera flash. What a cow eyed retard.

Cum slurper

Who is he?

The New Zealand Mosque Shooter

He doesn't look smart

Poor little mug has to really concentrate to remember to close his mouth.

So tall

Oh duh I don’t know how I missed that one lol !!! Ya he looks dumb af

Look at that fuckin dummy. Standing there, chewing his stupid cud.

When I try to imagine what’s going through that mind, I just envision the low hum of a bug zapper hanging on a dilapidated front porch in the Deep South. Every once in a while the monotonous hum is interrupted by a quick sizzling snap when an insect(thought) happens to collide with the apparatus. Then, as fast as it was disrupted, the dull buzzing of the zapper returns, and blissful ignorance is restored.

Good thoughts and bad thoughts are all given equal consideration in Joe Cumia’s mind and are met with the same reflexive bodily functions. When he receives a sentient idea he waddles over to Facebook and absentmindedly hunts and pecks on the keyboard, his labored breath struggling to make its way past his tongue, until it’s ready to share with everyone he knows.

This is a man who lives in total ignorance and loves every minute of it. Despite his lack of a job, talent, intelligence, or even trace amounts of discernment, Joe Cumia never passes up a chance to look down his nose at someone he deems a threat to his ideals.

Whenever he’s faced with something that threatens to poke a hole in his worldview, he simply writes it off as “libtarded” and goes about his day. I almost envy his delusions and debilitated intelligence. How wonderful would it be to go through life leeching from the people around you while believing yourself to be a successful rock star and a pillar of society?

this photo makes me giggle everytime i see it. joe is such a fucking brain dead retard

"Duuuuhhhh" - Joseph Cumia, Lead Guitar/Vocals

“I’m going to bovine university!”

More intelligence has been caught in my headlights while driving through the woods.