Do NOT post links to the NZ shooting video.

121  2019-03-16 by BigGreenYamo

Instant and permanent ban for anyone who links to it. Keep that shit in private messages or on the Discord.


This one really got the admins' flustered, huh?

They banned /r/watchpeopledie, so....yeah, they're not fucking around with this

FUCK. That was one of the last subs I checked regularly.

I know! And if it belonged anywhere, it was there.

It's insanely hypocritical of them to let people gawk at hundred upon hundreds of people's sad and horrible deaths for a good long time and then just draw the line here. Presumably over the political nature of the thing. But, hey... Whatever. Not like it's hard to find.

Muslims, Christians, and Jews have been happily and willingly killing each other for over a thousand years.

But it it's pointed out, suddenly it's a problem.

Because they need to take a stand against white nationalism!!... er whatever

What an incredibly retarded perspective.

It’s our specialty.

It’s not even hypocritical. Why shouldn’t the videos be available to those who choose to watch them? I can watch 19 angles of planes anhilating the twin towers

It's literally retarded and based in virtue signalling

Plus they want to pass gun control by any means.

They lost their minds when the video of the scandanavian or Danish or whatever girl getting beheaded showed up because it went against the norm.


I'm pretty sure they were in their twenties so a decade or so too old for the compound.


For the lazy can you point me in the direction of this video.

It is though. I haven't been able to at all

Really gonna to miss watching Chinese people fall into commercial trash compatactors.

Or get ran over

99% of vids on there were that.

What about lathes? Spin cycle like Tie Domi.

Good point, without those videos I wouldn't take lathes deadly fucking seriously

I wonder what the flip flop mafia is up to today


Let's just keep it to callling Joe Cumia a dumb nigger folks. This is our home.


Joe Cumia is a retarded faggot pedophile nigger. a cool drink of water on a hot day.

Check r/cringetopia,they have a girl that licks a toilet seat in an airplane.Great stuff.

what a prize

Which is weird because no one on WPD was posting the vid/allowed to post the vid. What were they banned for?

From what I gather, people were told specifically not to post the video, but kept doing it.

All PewdiePie subs have now been removed or banned. Even his meme sub.

All because this Flight of the Conchords cock smoker mentioned him, while getting out of his homo hatchback......

Nigga should have rented a truck

I mean, if you want to do it right....

Like a commercial vehicle for moving with a car in the back

It was watch people die not watch pewdiepie

Well, when you're right, you're right...

Cause i saw the same and had to double take

You're jealous of this man's power to fuck up your little reddit life.

You clearly know the history of this account.

Ahh, fuck, that was a great sub to read on the bowl.

I'd like to take a moment to ask you to un-sticky that Joe Cumia "interview", please? It was too ballwashy and not up to the cruel standards of this degenerate sub.


Strange considering they had videos of people getting skinned alive and dismembered on there. The video of the shooting was pretty tame compared to those.

Yeah but New Zealand wants to pass gun control so they need to keep it from getting out.

Ah shucks where can my goofy chinese people falling into man-holes fix

They're probably worried about the chinese.

Seriously though, I've never seen a video scrubbed off the internet like this. I've seen Twitter, Facebook and Instagram do it, but never "EVERYONE" at once.

Yes, it was a horrible tragedy... but there have been others. Actual beheadings are still up on some of the same sites that won't show this.

Why is this the video the entire planet agreed to censor at the same time?

it's on 4chan.

I'm not asking for a link to be posted or anything but if someone could slide up into my DMs wit that shit right there that'd be hot.

Was it a horrible tragedy? This is the religion responsible for the aforementioned beheading videos.

The media and politicians have been working overtime since 9/11 to get people to embrace Islam. The West has been importing tons of them. The benefit of doing so is a mystery to me.

I also don't understand the pro-islam angle but it's very obvious.

To sow political discord to divide us into easily controlled sub groups. Problem, reaction, solution bullshit.

Yeah and maybe to pass that gun law a week after the event. That's insane to me.

if you can get past what a pretty-boy faggot prop comic this fag is he's a pretty good advocate for lefty faggots because he supports not trusting // the media and shows evidence of the previous Liberal party (the conservative government in Australia) increasing the legal immigration numbers by an absurd amount (can't find the clip bun John Howard in the 90's/early 00's, a "conservative" politician increased legal immigrant intake to 190,000, but the main debate over heare are always over the ~1000 illegal immigrants rather than how the fake conservative government forced a ridiculous amount of immigration to keep the debate over immigration continues even when they're not in power).

Those 1000 people you'd barely noticed if they were let free in a single city let alone across the whole continent, somehow they're the problem rather than the 200,000 legal immigrants let in by the previous government (which the quota isn't even reach but if Labor aka the left wing govt tries to reduce the quota they'll look like heartless monsters to the retarded faggots who vote with the most limited understanding of the planet.

Also, this vid shows him DESTROYING the stupid clueless NYT mutt from the JRE podcast

It's an even more horrible tragedy when worse things happen. In this case it was something New Zealand pretty much has never seen before in the modern day.

The people in the mosque weren't beheading anyone, same way gay people in the nightclub probably weren't sending money to Israel.

because the location, the shooter, the actual quality and length of the video and the act itself all make the video prime gore porn and unlike much else that has come before, this has the potential to spawn 1000 pretenders.

Discord? What am I, 5?

the fuck is a discord?

A place for homosexuals to conspire to dox funny people

Sounds a lot like this sub tbh

If I remember correctly, there was an O&A discord, I don't know if it still exists but they pulled some gay ops and caught Porsalin commenting on his post with an alt account. It's funny in hindsight, but also very autistic

they deleted the server to try and hide their CP stashes from the feds

here's a link to the new discord:

Really? It seems like all these secret groups are run by cheese pizza enthusiasts. Do you have any more info on this?

They buy pills over the internet and all share buyers with each other. I'm in the process of pretending to be their friend so I can get them all arrested.

Getting in the door is easy. You just have to prove you aren't a disgruntled former member and you have to survive an onslaught of pictures of people jerking off with faces.

They buy pills over the internet and all share buyers with each other.

Oh shit, there's a reason to use discord?

Lol this is bullshit. I went on their a couple months ago. Its not some crime syndicate.

Did I say it was a crime syndicate? Do you have to be in an organized crime syndicate to buy pills online you dumb fuck? They hang around the r/buyingpressedpills and talk about trusted dealers. It's a bunch of junkies who are also too socially inept to make enough friends in life to find real dealers with phones and cars.

They get withdrawals waiting for it in the mail. It's a hole for shit and piss there.

Lmao you dopes think it's some doxxing group but 99.9999% of the time it's dick pics of Asian men

Faggot exposed

No, no, he said funny people.

A place that people on this sub think is some grand conspiracy but they literally just post about music and ugly girls they try to woo.

They started the hardcore punk movement in DC

Darkweb? What am I .tokyo?

it's disturbing to know there is one and it has activity. mods please disavow

Oh you really are a baby boomer that doesn't understand things. I thought that was a bit.

no shit? is this the anti retard test

Isn't every test an anti-retard test?

no they test people in a vegetative state to see if they're at least retarded.

Not Bonnie's sister's chromosome test


I saw the video. It starts with the guy and he like "mannn fawk this" and then just start shootin' people. Everyone's all "fuuuuuuck"

This woman is like “help me, help me” but he‘s just like “fuuck you bitch” and shoots her in the head

Pm me for video

Censoring people from seeing the harsh realities of the world does more harm than good. Let the people decide what they watch

I hope more of these attacks happen and they will.

Fuck it. Ban me for life if you want, the people need to see this.

Haha Opie so funny man! I love Opie!

  • This subreddit filled with fags.

You're filled with fags

Thanks for posting. It was very difficult to watch but I needed to see it

This had better not be that fucking full court shot.

Stealing this link

Do you have link to the manifesto?

8chan pol has everything you seek.

I can't think any other video has been scrubbed off the internet as efficiently as this one. Not a link but there are certain sites that still have not taken it down

They went after the Moroccon tourist video pretty quickly, too.

Would it be acceptable to post not a link to the video, but a website where one may be able to be directed to said video?

Gray, probably not a great idea.

I personally would have no issue with that, but I feel like it's a bad idea.

I'm not asking if anyone would personally have an issue I'm asking would it be an issue with the site that just banned several subs

Yes, it probably would be a bad idea. This whole site has been going to shit for the past few years.

Back in my day you could post a POV video of a mass shooting and no one would bat an eye

The times they are a changin'

Can we post screen grabs?


Ban this man

The admins, probably emboldened by Twitter and Facebook, have stopped trying to hide their policing of speech, censorship based on their bias, monitoring of users with unapproved thoughts, etc.

I long ago checked out of the rest of this embarrassing shit show and once this sub is gone I don't much see the point.

No it wouldn't. It's giving them a reason, and it's not worth it. Why lose the sub for a stupid fucking killer video?

That's why I asked before jumping the gun and posting it

Today it’s a terrorist video, tomorrow it’s anti trans speakZ

You're not wrong

Link? PM me if need be.

Word is that the admins are banning people who share it even through PMs.

Which is awesome to think that they're digging through private messages, looking for things they don't agree with.

Every single comedian who has ever written a PM about "bombing" has had it read by a human making minimum wage in the Conde Nast basement.

No question.

I just private messaged myself gigabytes of gay porn and that video, let's see how it plays out.

Reddit admins are thanking you

What was up with that video? I've never heard of it.

Two Scandinavian college students were camping, when they were gangraped and murdered. There's video of the second of the two women having her head sawed off while she begs for her mother.

There's been around 20 people arrested. One of the upstanding individuals left his ID in the tent. The main people involved made videos pledging allegiance to ISIS.

So anyway, the video hit Reddit immediately, and there were attempts to get it scrubbed from the internet.

good, Streisand effect the fuck out of it

The Moroccan tourist beheading video, the Luka Magnotta murder video, the kid who livestreamed himself committing suicide with a shotgun then being found by his mother.

I'm sure part of the reason for the video being scrubbed is about politics but there are other very valid reasons that have nothing to do with politics for why they could be scrubbing it. Videos like that can also have an effect on the legal process when it comes to convicting the guy. Censorship in the name of preserving the ability to carry out with legal proceedings is a very common thing.

I understand that there are plenty of videos that have been scrubbed before, but I don't think they were done as effectively in such a short time. I can see why New Zealand authorities wouldn't want the video up, but why should sites like reddit, which aren't based in New Zealand placate to New Zealand authorities?

What no it isn’t? At least not in the US the only acceptable criteria for prior restraint is national security why gas light people like this?

Yes, it is. Gag orders are issued all the time. You don't consider that a form of censorship in the name of preserving the ability to carry out fair legal proceedings?

Also, nobody is suppressing anyone's right to discuss the story by scrubbing video of the incident. That video could possibly be used as evidence during a trial. Allowing it to be freely passed around opens up too much potential for it to become even more prejudicial to the extent that it would no longer be admissible.

The thing that sucks is how Reddit is censoring other things that have nothing to do with the incident. The guilty by association aspect of it is the real problem.

Gag orders are not issued to the media gag orders are issued to people involved in the case. Are you some kind of fog fucker Brit. Your understanding of the law sucks. And guess what you can just ban New Zealand VPNs form accessing it if that is your worry. Your take is wrong and retarded.

Did I say anything about the media? Nice try with the straw man, fucking idiot.

i can’t tell if this is one of those suggestive do the opposite of what i say posts or...


Beefers still cool tho?

Just mark it NSFW.

Whoever wants a link PM me

Pretty sure u/TheRocketRosenthal is the shooter

it does line up. Shame he didnt let us talk him out of it

Holy shit, he actually might be.

If Nana truly didn't care about uhfending anyone he'd proudly host this on The Free Speech Network

I wish we had this policy for Jim and Sam videos

Maybe soon

A true despicable act of pseudo entertainment

I have a good link if anyone wants it. Tell me a sub and I’ll post it there.

No u see, that's just Muslims expressing their freedom of religion when murdering ppl

Right? I saw a video of them executing over 300 people once, fine by reddit. Drunk drivers kill far more than terror, yet bud light is still allowed on reddit.

Yup, we're living in weird times (although i love myself a bud light or 10 😉)


I'm still hilarious

Post it in TwoXChromosomes

I’ve been banned from there forever. Was thinking about my favorite show bar rescue

You could put it on the r/LoganLynn sub

Might be on there somewhere


You're really obsessed with this video in an unhealthy way

Is it pretty much the most brutal footage ever? Worse than the guy in the forest who got the hammer and screwdriver? I bet there will still be conspiracy guys who interpret it as a simulated event.

I must request you provide a link to this hammer/screwdriver event you speak of.

Ehh you don’t want to watch that. It cannot be unseen. But it’s one of the most famous videos around the gore scene, google it.

I still to this day have only been able to handle maybe the first 3-4 seconds of that video and that was 10+ years ago. I've seen a lot of gore, but have zero interest in watching that or similarly brutal videos.

The visuals aren't even bad because of the low resolution, the audio is what's super fucked up.

Nice death rattle, stupid

2 guys one hammer is the name of the video when I saw it. It's probably still around under that title. Worse than glass jar in the asshole video.

It's not that bad. Brenton was oddly calm throughout the entire thing. There is a little blood, but it's not that gory at all.

I just screened it, and have to agree. I was able to watch it in its entirety. Videos of limbs being broken, animals being tortured, or close-up gore I punch out of instantly. The tape of the hammer/screwdriver murder I watched from across the room through my fingers. This just seemed like a Twitch video of a FPS game. Thoughts n’ prayers to the deceased and their next of kin, of course! I understand heinous spree crimes like this are a rarity there, but does that explain the nonexistent police reaction time? I can picture a Kiwi Chief Wiggum typing it up on his invisible keyboard when the call came in.

From what I gather, Kiwi Kops are usually unarmed, so they had to find the key to their communal gun locker and blow the dust off the lock before opening it and suiting up, costing valuable seconds, and, in correlation, lives.

The girl in the gutter was pretty bad, but otherwise I agree. There's been far worse posted on reddit 100x over.

I watched the whole thing. I agree that, aside from the asshole shooting the women in the back of the head in the street, the video was pretty tame. Not much gore at all (which is what you get from shootings, despite Hollywood's depictions - bombings are way bloodier), not a whole lot to see. This footage didn't even faze me compared to the Kyle Dinkheller video or some of the shit ISIS has posted - all of which is freely available online.

I just screened it

What, is it up for an Oscar?

I can picture a Kiwi Chief Wiggum typing it up on his invisible keyboard when the call came in.

Oh right lady a person is going around talking about 'Pewdiepie' and has killed 40 people in a Mosque.

Watched it in it's entirety and while not graphic, it's pretty horrific. It gets real rough watching when one dude tries to rush him and is just a second too slow. Then he walks around and systematically double taps everyone. The chick in the gutter part is extremely brutal as well as someone else pointed out.

And yes, the conspiracy idiots are already saying it's fake due to the lack of cartoonish blood spray from each shot.

I dont think that dude was trying to rush him, I think he was trying to run past him to the only exit instead of bunching in the corners waiting to die like the rest.

Well someone send me a video then.

Check your things

I keep checking and nothing

Well me too I guess


me too pls

Me too pls


Me too pls


Maybe it’s juet my false perspective but it seems like both the media and the unwashed masses are doing a decent job of not delving too much into this guy. I don’t even know his name and I don’t care to know it but typically it’s absolutely impossible not to. I’m s true believer in the media ignoring all the worthless details about these guys and just telling what they need to (and still not supplying a name)


Have some links to his opinions or ideas, i keep hearing manifesto but cant find shit.

It wasn't that impressive, he basically just an asshole who felt that his "superior" race was being replaced. Nothing too different from run of the mill alt right stuff.

I mean, it actually has the Navy Seal copy pasta that's been around forever.

They're doing exactly what he wanted

How bad can the video be

Not that bad, but it’s white nationalism propaganda. Isis videos executing civilians have been freely shared on reddit for year and years. Reddit is anti white and pro Islam.

It has nothing to do with the severity of the video

There are many worse videos still on this subreddit.

Anything featuring Sam Roberts for example

So, you're saying Sam Robert's is worse than seeing 49 people dying? dolphin noises

What does it have to do with? Propaganda?

Yes. They want to pass gun laws in NZ and dont want any dissent.

Is this another bit? Like when people post "do NOT message this restuarant with links to joe cumias racism".

Post all videos you have. Sunlight.

Reddit hosts videos of a man being run over by a tank, set of fire in a cage, 5 men being drowned alive, HD shotgun executions, and being countless being decapitated. But this video crossed the line? What’s going one here, big guy?

This is the first one to have the cooperation of the media involved in it's marketing.

Every second, another commercial for it was played by CNN, and the NYT and Washington Post covered the digital print outlets, "the shooting that was meant to go viral!"

And isis propaganda videos aren’t?

ISIS never started a video by saying "subscribe to pewdiepie"

Way over your head, sheep.

Yah it was more like a subscribe to allah

"Remember lads, submit to Allah"

Yeah I’m sure they shot 4K vids with no internet distribution in mind lol

Lol yea because they posted a countdown timer on 4chan before all of their videos, right?

They actually did on various Arabic sites, you one language speaking homo.

They actually did on very obscure Arabic sites, you simply are upset you dont understand the difference between one beheading and 50 massacred in a mosque on a HD camera 🤣

Obscure to westerners. Arabic social media is huge.

Obscure to the real world. Thank you.


The mounted MG and AA executions really make this site feel like home.

Are you genuinely surprised that the media allows HD videos of Islamists and cartels beheading people but freaks out about a white nationalist filming himself as he shoots up a mosque? Or are you just a retard?

Honestly they should leave it up and let everyone watch it. These are the horrors of gun violence and mental illness. The worst part is that shit like that happens all over the world daily and we don’t hear about it. It’s sick. Could you imagine if one of those school shooters had live streamed one of their attacks? Life is fucked up, those people were just going about their daily life’s and just like that it’s over.

Could you imagine if one of those school shooters had live streamed one of their attacks?

Adam Lanza with a GoPro I would've never watched under any circumstances. The security cam snippets from Columbine, where it simply shows those two fucking losers walking past the frame in the lunchroom with their guns was chilling enough.

I agree, it's tasteless. If anyone has white people dying videos then it's a green light. Inshallah

I like how American Muslims are expressing more sadness for this than they did 9/11.

How do you come to that conclusion?

By observing their behavior. How do you come to conclusions?


Lol I deep dicked your mom.

Aww shit, am I banned? The Cumia video it's worse tbqh.

I heard guys are getting banned even from sharing it in private messages.

Hey the admins read your private messages everybody! Just in case you didn't know that already. Why anybody gives identifying, sensitive or personal information out on this site, I'll never understand. They've made very clear their bias and their lack of care for things like privacy and free speech for years.

says a lot about the state of this forum if the admins have to post this

used to be fun but now it's a bunch of Joe-level losers making unfunny racist jokes about non-O&A people

Ironically, this panic about offending Muslims (who cry and murder people over cartoons, remember) will prevent no one from finding and seeing the video, and will stoke much more anti-Islam sentiment than a relatively tame clip of a madman on a killing spree.

everybody knew that something like this would happen since Charlie hebdo. but instead of calling for common sense, all these barbarians kept adding salt to the wound.

Salman Rushdie was the first case I heard of where the whole world capitulated to the thuggery and intimidation of random Muslims' wishes. Then there was the Danish cartoon emergency, which is a funny phrase to even write out, and everyone proved all over again that Muslims' hurt feelings and violent reactions take priority over free speech and open dialogue. Then Charlie Hebdo, and it just keeps getting worse.

I agree, it's making him a martyr

No posting pewdiepie videos either, we don’t support hate speech

The weird thing is I watched the video and it is not as disturbing as some of the cartel shit that was posted at WPD. There is video of someone being flayed alive and getting their eyes gouged out while Guns N Roses plays in the background and that was all well and fine according to reddit

Yep. Apparently, "Funky Town" is ok, but "Hardcore Henry IRL" is not.

I can honestly say that the cartel chainsaw beheading is way more disturbing than the New Zealand shooting and that shit is plastered all over the internet. Shits fawkin brutal

seriously, liveleak is the worst...And you can post people being scalped but you cannot say the n-word.

maaaad world

Agreed! I love this place and we've put too much love into it for so long how fucked would it be to have it shut down before dancing on nanas grave

That being said if someone could PM me a link

I'm not gonna link it, but everyone knows it's on BG

And pornhub

Jeffrey Dahmer with a GoPro would be a real game changer for the shock tubes.

I think you destroy your killer mystique if you film yourself, though. You come off like an attention whore more than anything. Imagining your crimes is always going to be worse.

I’m convinced ppl want this sub shutdown or quarantined.

Quarantined is no big deal. I don't understand why people are afraid of it.

It's even better in a way tbh. No more angsty cunts from other subs


or sumthin less german idk

I'm just glad I got to enjoy it before it was gone. Kinda like the old O&A shows

I have it saved to my photos on my phone. This video will be the biggest thing on the internet if I have anything to do with it

People are so obsessed with Black people here. Lol.

And jews.


Oh lol. That’s it eh? I’ll let u come up with something else. I’ll wait.

Kill yourself frontpage nigger lover.

Oh’re a cut up.

So this is where you guys draw the line.

"you guys" who? I watched the video, and I feel that suppressing it is ridiculous

remember to subscribe to pewdiepie



The NZ shooter played right into the terrorists hands. They also want to radicalise the moderates

Oh’re a cut up.