It’s good a real comedy insider is commenting on this serious issue.

26  2019-03-16 by RBuddCumia


Anthony is a cunt, but so is this donkey-faced shitpile. And I’ve seen people I know flamed as racissss for posting memes and jokes about the lefts’ new sacred cow.

But would you fuck her?

No I’m not into basic bitches, especially ones with less brains than my dog.

man shut the fuck up we all know the best you probably get is a Dave Landau wife lookin bitch.

“We all know?” Well, you retards stopped smashing Opie, so I guess that shows the level of what you know. White knight away faggot, not everyone shares your infatuation with basic bitches.


What kind of low bar is that?

She’s dumb as fuck and has big tits. That’s top shelf in my world.

What are your opinions on the one who doesn't take her hoodie off indoors?

it's the sabbath, don't get him started.

Keep crying, faggot.

Those are some chompers.

I've never seen a girl with such an ugly smile or annoying cunt empty-headedness that I want to fuck so bad.

Maybe it's just the way her taught milkers subtly go swish swish swish in her dancing video.

Nia Gurr


I don't like her gum to teeth ratio. Her mouth is baboon-like.

Cool. What does your kid diddling member of parliament look like? How’s his forehead to scalp ratio? Would ya fuck him?

Hallo? Touch a nerve? Something's afoot

Sorry, woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

But seriously though, what does your MP look like, and would you fuck him or her?

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Tulip Siddiq

Tulip Rizwana Siddiq, (Bengali: টিউলিপ রেজওয়ানা সিদ্দীক; born 16 September 1982) is a British Labour Party politician. She was elected Member of Parliament (MP) for Hampstead and Kilburn at the 2015 general election. She is vice-chairwoman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism and a member of the Women and Equalities Select Committee. She was previously a councillor for Regent's Park and Cabinet Member for Culture and Communities in Camden Council.

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What a frump!

You live in a fancy part of town, sir. I went to Hampstead once and the afternoon air smelled like Chardonnay and MILFs.

I'm up towards the Highgate end.


Considering your British, that is actually exactly what I was expecting

Kate Moss, Jamie Oliver and Gervais are the kind of people who voted for her. I haven't voted in a general election since 2010. She's not what you probably think though.

She's cute when she closes her Predator mouth when she smiles.

she really is a two face.

Bad lighting on the porch

She has a pretty face, but sites like the daily caller find these unflattering pictures.

She’s very hot.

Dave Landau's thoughts weigh less than my farts

Random guy in Cleveland what are your thoughts.

And his wife.

Those right there are cock-rippin' teeth.

I'd play chicken vs that mouth.

I spend too much time wondering what her favorite sexual position is.

"The Deplorables Tour" bring out the heavyweights that think being a guest on a Long Island podcast is making it big.

Female Baba Booey.


I want to cum her eyes and asshole closed.

"Don’t worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters"

If that a still from starship troopers?

I want to race mix so fucking bad with her

Donkey face cunt.

Her eyes look like an old Scooby Doo episode where they're walking through a haunted mansion, and they walk by a painting but someone cut the eyeholes out and is looking through from the other side.

Her tweets about the NZ shooting were so fucking heinous, I can't stand this radicalized liberal cunt. She's a racist that hates white people and has a serious superiority complex.

I’m sick of hearing about this person.

I'm up towards the Highgate end.