Real ass dude of the week

12  2019-03-15 by RelevantField2


It's a catch 22 for the muslims. If they stay in the shithole they came from it's all barrel bombs and beheadings, if they come to enjoy the fresh almost sweet taste of free air they might get aired out


They don't want to assimilate and try to change the culture in which they move to match the shit hole they came from.

I guess the experiment of putting a mosque in a fucking place named Christchurch was a failure. Or a success if you're the gunman

They don't want to assimilate and try to change the culture in which they move to match the shit hole they came from.

you can say that again!

Exactly. If it was about racism why don't Sikhs get any trouble besides from dumbfucks too retarded to know the difference between them and muslims? They assimilate, want to be part of their community and nobody really cares about them. It's muslims wanting to import their shitty third world lifestyle on countries they move to that is the problem people have with them.

Exactly. Even hardcore anti-Islam people like 'Tommy Robinson' love the Sikhs. Who wouldn't. They're a pretty cool people who contribute and keep to themselves.

It reminds me of people who whine about the Rohingya in Burma. My first thought has always been 'How fucking awful do you have to be to send the bloody Buddhists into a murderous rage'.

Indian people may be dorky and smelly but at least where I am they don't cause problems either

Sikhs don't "get any trouble" because Israel and Evangelical Christians have no reason to demonize them. Orthodox Jews are just as unassimilated as practicing Muslims, they treat their women about as poorly, they commit horrific acts of terrorism, etc. But you never hear about them or how backward they are.

this faggot wouldn’t last 2 seconds in some of the counties these victims migrated from

Nor would women who show their ankles in public. Great point, faggot.

Who the fuck would want to last?

People are so quick to dismiss motives and manifestos because "it's what the shooter would have wanted".

Like I was a good little Nassau County schoolboy when 9/11 happened, had a few Pete Davidsons who lost their parents in my school, real bad time. But Osama didn't do it to be silly. The whole US supports Israel, sanctions Iraq, deploys troops in Saudi Arabia. You might not agree with his motivations, but that "fighting the enemy" in the name of Allah is responsible for pretty much all Islamic terrorist attacks.

That's how radicalization works. You don't tell a lie, you tell a distorted version of the truth to create such an antagonistic "us vs them" mentality. Then you close yourself off in an echo chamber, feeding off that hate until one day someone snaps and kills 49 people in a terrorist attack.

I've been strongly opposed to far-right MDE identity politics bullshit on this sub, have been called a faggot cuck SJW by future mosque shooters like u/deep_legal_shit, but you know, if you contribute to that echo chamber you should feel guilt. If you're one of these posters that wakes up every morning to obsess all day about white supremacy and how much you hate minorities, you haven't pulled the trigger but you're part of the problem.

I mean, I read the archived 8chan thread and those fucks were cheering him on when he said he was gonna go kill some Muslims IRL.


I wish you had been a little Pete Davidson

Are you on adderall by any chance?

No, I just don't subscribe to either the left or the right telling me which group of people are all bad. Which makes those brainwashed towards one side or another resent me because I refuse to validate your bullshit prejudices.

You're a true hero, friend. Keep writing those long, grandiose posts to keep the shirposters in check.

I wonder if he feels motivated to spew this ambigious misguided dogshit when muslims attack innocent whites.


it's weird how those people use so many words and it usually takes a simple sentence to dismantle all of it

Let's kill muslims for invading our countries and refusing to adapt!

In the meantime, let's invade a subreddit for a dead radio show and force our far-right bullshit all the time.

It's okay when we do it! The conservative party is entirely filled with pure, wholesome people!

Someone needs to visit their local mosque for a prayer session



okay, but seriously bro

Nice complete waste of time you got here

I have literally no idea what you are trying to say. Are you against the shooter, for the shooter, pro Bin Laden, whats going on up there?

I'm against the shooter. I'm against the killing of innocent people for a political agenda.



Queensland produces all our interesting politicians.

Way to not capitalize ‘the bible’ in your article, stupid. You really let the Christian fascists have it there.

This guy speaks the truth. Not a faggot

Surely, these events were terrible, but think of the kind of insecurity that whites are feeling over this, worrying that the actions of one lone gunman will blow back on the entire community. We need to be vigilant about potential attacks against whites in the coming days.