Final images of Christchurch Mosque shooter, taken on his flight to New Zealand yesterday morning. Chilling. "he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'"

75  2019-03-15 by nerdxferguson


Can u DM the video?

You don't want to see it trust me. It's so bad he even kills little kids and women on the street.

I do want to see it. I know it’s awful but I wanna see the reality and how could people such things

It's on the net I've seen it. It was worse than I imagined.

Here you go

It’s really not that bad if you’ve seen gore before. It’s intense due to what’s happening but the gore is minimal and most of the kills take place at medium range and the quality is shit.

It’s a surreal video for sure but it’s definitely overrated if you’ve seen some shit.

its not the most disturbing thing i have seen, but its up there

dude is a dick for targeting the one mosque who didnt have an armed congregation

Less disturbing than cartel killings ,but the amount of meme autism the guy put into it is what makes it surreal.

If you read his manifesto he credits Spyro the dragon for giving him "white identity" and Fortnite for teaching him how to "floss on the corpses of his enemies"


I usually don't seek out shooting videos (for my own mental health) but I find it very weird that I spent at lest ten minutes trying to find this video on multiple sites and it is scrubbed everywhere apparently.

I watched a kid have a gun slid to him by his dad (almost egging him on) and he killed himself on the spot in front of him and his mother. I don't know if anything can top that to be honest.

Read somewhere that the dad was disappointed in his son about something (video games? It's the internet so idk if that's true) and was basically being like, "Well then you might as well shoot me, bc I must be a failure of a father to have a son like you." (not actual quote)


That's why when the gun goes off, the dad runs over and slaps the son. He thought he was shooting at him, but ofc he realizes what actually happened and is overcome with pain.

It was one of those things that happened too fast for regular life. I have seen plenty of combat videos where people get fucked up, and it is etremely unnerving... but that dude just offing himself without a hesitation right in front of his parents is some real core shit. I will never forget it.

Did he intentionally kill himself or accidentally? How old was he?

Disclaimer: It's been a while since I saw it or read about it so I may be off here.

It was on what appeared to be a CCTV camera at a small shop which they presumably owned because they were the only ones in the store IIRC. They were Asian. IDK how old he was, anywhere from 15 to 25, but probably on the younger side since he was working the cash register for his parents. It looked very intentional. At a minimum he pointed a loaded gun at his head with his finger on the trigger. I don't know what the proper or normal reaction to watching your kid kill himself is, but they immediately dropped to the floor and started rolling around and what not.

You should remind yourself it was designed and marketed to be "viral" and if it makes you feel better, have become one of the mindless sheep lining up for the product. I don't know his name yet but I'm sure he'll be a folk hero for a long time now in the bowels of the internet.

Mindless in what sense? Don't act superior to me without an explanation. Condescension like that turns anyone off. Make a point, add a link, or whatever, but just calling everyone a sheep is a huge faggot move.

"But what makes this atrocity “an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence,” as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described it, is both the methodical nature in which the massacre was conducted and how it was apparently engineered for maximum virality."

Briefly summarizing in case you wanted to read my post before looking at the link, his manifesto and attack plan was published on 8chan hours before. By now, users of 8chan and 4chan have been preserving the video and spreading clips and images around Twitter to the point where people reported not being able to use Twitter without seeing footage playing automatically. Ya know, for the luls, and since he started the video by saying "subscribe to pewdiepie", you can imagine how many people are going to start worshipping the marketing and production values put into this. Social Media has it's first, very own, massacre with a high body count, direct communication with the viewer, and in HD.

Also by now, internet users have already dug up and enshrined his posting history to preserve the outfit and equipment used in the attack.

This isn't someone being tapped by the internet to become a meme, they've designed it to be one. It's akin to if Columbine happened while filmed AND Eric and Dylan said before killing themselves that they achieved this thanks to "meme magic and praying to pepe the frog".

Sure, I'm a faggot but I felt making you upset at yourself for being one of the millions also hypnotized by the commercials for it being played in the news today, that you would better understand and in the future, no longer have the same mindset when another occurs.

I haven't read the full responde but I will shortly.

Thank you for the actual reply.

I'm serious about calling people sheep though. It makes you sound like a moron. Don't do it on a subreddit full of scholars like this.

I felt making you upset at yourself

Also, knock this shit off too.

you would better understand and in the future, no longer have the same mindset when another occurs.

  • What is my mindset that you so clearly know?

That you're ashamed of yourself and feeling guilty for being tickled and enticed by the onslaught of commercials the news has been playing for footage of the attack. I felt responding, "hold on sir, I disagree politely" might not get a good enough reaction from your brain since, one, you're disturbed by being lured to the footage so there is already doubt, and two, being annoyed by me is going to snap you out of it easier since I am genuinely feeling empathy towards your confliction today.

You already responded and showed me you're a level headed person who was thankful for a real response and I guarantee once you read my full post, check out the article, and hopefully do a bit of research yourself that you won't be interested in witnesses footage of a massacre anymore.

Stop harping on the fact I called you a rube.

This shit happened a few hours ago, I asked for a video and some faggot (you) came in telling me how should think. If I listened to you and took it to heart I would be a rube, but luckily I have sussed you out as not only gay but also a faggot. Your opinion sucks nerd.

Or, you can completely switch gears and throw a tantrum. It really doesn't make a difference to me. I thought we were having a nice discussion but you seem to be too fragile for that?


I know even you can notice a pattern of a rapid breakdown in the quality of your responses during this conversation. I'm not the one who will be embarrassed when they wake up tomorrow.

I'm not the one who will be embarrassed when they wake up tomorrow.

You clearly are omnipresent , I apologize. Keep fighting the good fight or whatever it is you think you are doing.

Haunter quit being a faggot.

Anyway, I thought about trying to find the video but I really don't want to see kids get their heads blown off, I know that shit will be stuck in my brain somewhere and come back in a dream or something. It's better that I can't really imagine it yet.

shutup faggit, it's just a bunch of random snackbars. you think they give a fuck when their people do it to us?

So that guy represents you? You are a psychopath pal.

So that guy represents you?

he's an alienated, working class white guy fed-up with muslims and their death cult bullshit. close enough

You are a psychopath

Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

You said 'us' as though he represents you that's all I'm pointing out.


Nice gibberish, stupid

the magnet works, man

Just because you look like a goldeneye character doesnt mean you should act like one!

Gun control works!

Well yeah it's called CHRIST CHURCH. Take a hint and scram ,towel heads!


maybe this guy was obviously trying to shoot up an actual church. He didn't know it was some voodoo temple.

He's got fat eyes

Is this really the asshole who did this?

How does he keep getting away with this?!?

"here I am on a plane!"


Oh course he’s a brewers fan. They have a level of insecurity I’ve never seen before in sports.

Looks like he LOVES dick in his mouth

Men never take this manu selfies.