Anthony just posted a video!

0  2019-03-15 by MooseZombie


God bless man

WARNING: this is the full shooting vid.

I know some people want to watch that stuff, but it's grim & I don't want anyone who's here for laughs to feel bad.

I've seen it & it's just grim up-close mass murder. I don't recommend it, nothing good to come from watching it.

Watch people die got admin fucked. Any of the mod threads were locked, users were admin banned and the posts were all wiped.

It didn't bother me in the least. My soul is dogshit

Its not that, youd probably have a shit time watching torture/gore vids. This was just bullets.

Jesus Christ.

I guess that’s what a real hate crime looks like.

lets just not jump to conclusions here.

innocent until proven guilty.

Silly me. I’ll wait until all the evidence comes in and a jury of this gentleman’s peers have rendered a judgment before I do this same.

They just took it down for violating terms of service.


It's like a real life No Russian.