What's your FAVOURITE word?

0  2019-03-15 by catshitinmyurethra

Mines rigamarolle


You spelled favorite you wrong you faggot

I'm Canadian and I use American spelling on here so people don't accuse me of being British.

Oh come on you knew what he meant..

We share the commonality of language

Also, you wrote "you" too many times, smartypants. No I didn’t

You did. Editing ass bitch.


Always trust your instincts, Sir Sodomy

Canadian faggot

When I feel rebellious I use british and do a little tribal taunting dance.

Probably ‘percolate’.




Thank you for asking, you made my night special.

Paparazzi is kind of fun

'borborygmus' - an almost onomatopoeic word for stomach rumblings.

In sentence: "Weird Medicine with u/drsteve103 is on... I'd rather listen to the amplified sounds of my own borborygmus"

Only joking doc, awesome show. Since I jipped you, I'll write a joke jus for you, here goes:

Hey doc, are you still looking for Colin Quinn on the ham radio?

("CQ, CQ, CQ")

The plural of borborygmus is "borborygmi" which is even more awesome.

I like terse, blunt, Anglo-Saxon words more than Norman, Latin or other Romance-influenced English words, so it's a toss-up between "dumb" and "cunt."


I’ve been thinking a lot about the word ‘terse’ lately. I have no idea why.


ucalegon- a neighbor whose house is on fire