"Oh, that rotten egg smell? Frozen yogurt makes me relentlessly drop putrid gas outta my swollen, dilated asshole, so I ate 3 lbs of it before your interview. What's the matter, don't appreciate the art of comedy, baby boy?"

170  2019-03-15 by GorramTimebomb


He’s such a child. We don’t make baby noises here.

Pathetic if true

That’s the look of a man that is 50 y/o and thinks farts in enclosed spaces is extremely funny and edgy and enough to attract 20y/o women.

”They thinks it’s cute.”

I wouldn't fuck with Baby Boy, he was in the Lords.

The Gaylords.

Got ‘em!

Laughing at farts is something you do with a very small child or something you do once with your guy friends.

If Jim made a habit of spewing his shitgas at me I’d break his fucking jaw

I still laugh at farts when I burn my girlfriend. But yes, Jim sucks. He’s a big shot at the cellar only because everybody better than him left for LA and have real careers.

Nothing is funnier to me than telling my girl I have to discuss something serious, pretending I am going to have some heartfelt moment and then just letting a big one rip right in her face.

Let he who has never done this cast the first stone.

Farts are the funniest thing in the world

"Yeah I take it in the ass, what are you gonna do about it sccccuuuuumbag?!?!?"

What kind of out of touch retard eats frozen yogurt in 2019?

After you get done roller blading, what else are you supposed to do?

Yeah man. My Limp Bizkit CD is pretty tyte but the batteries in my disc man ran out.

Too much BassBoost. Gotta moderate that.

Yeah be sure to ration out the FF on your walkman. Batteries don't grow on trees ya know.

Jimmy speaks of his lactose intolerance in a tone which suggests that he doesn’t realize lactose intolerance is a thing.

Even for a guy who tends to run bits into the ground, his “dairy makes me fart” thing has gotten especially repetitive. Yet he’s never given any indication that he understands that it’s not normal. In his infinite naïveté, he assumes that everyone experiences the same thing he does. And in addition, he completely lacks the introspection to wonder why everyone around him is drinking milk without experiencing violent diarrhea and uncontrollable gas.

Jimmy is what happens when you take someone who is as naive as a six year old and take away his ability to care about anything except accumulating photos of celebrities.

He could've at least brushed the dandruff out of his hair for the picture. Disgusting.

Fat Jimmy was so much funnier

If by the time you’re in high school you haven’t outgrown the idea that farting in front your peers as top notch comedy then you’re probably some naïve soul who’ll struggle with women for the rest of your life & someone who demonstrates a lack of street smarts & general intelligence. Jim Norton is this guy that’s why he was sitting in a mall p,saying that video game all day & night by himself. He’s 50 something years old & more desperate & clueless than the average 15year old

Does anyone know the origin of this picture?

If we stop talking about him will he just go away? This is the only place people talk about the mollusk

i hope sam or someone gives him shit about not changing his diet despite knowing at this age what's gonna cause him to nasty up the room