Bob Kelly is so fat

23  2019-03-14 by asdfghjklfk


How fat is he?

He uses a tire as a belt!

Bob Kelly is so fat he's going to die before his son graduates high school.

Either Bob is really fat or his son is really dumb

He’s being a real asshole about his weight. I don’t listen to his show. Is he trying to diet? Does he even talk about his weight?

I don't listen but I'm sure he does. Bobby is the type of fat fuck that always claims to be on a diet and getting healthy but just keeps getting fatter.

She walked past the television and I missed Season 4 of Columbo. We’ll be right back with Steve Martin, and Florence Henderson!

He sank the Titanic while doing a Dead Man Float.

He's so fat, his blood type is ROCKY ROOAAAD!

so so so fat

so so so so so so so so

True. I feel bad for bawby, he looks like shit and is going to die soon.

Who will die first? Bob Kelly? Artie Lange? Ron Bennington? Chris Stanley or Jim Norton (from aids)

I just saw Bennington on 45th St. as I was leaving work. He was moving mighty slow and he's shorter than I expected. And my money's on Artie.

He's so fat that he gets confused very easily because his heart is so stressed it can't pump an adequate amount of blood necessary to provide his brain with enough oxygen rich blood to maintain coherent thoughts.

Yo this nigga so fat his ass got its own zip code!

He had a [some amount of pounds] mole removed from his ass.

Hey that’s some guys wife

That's the one fawkin homerun

Bob Kelly is so fat Owen Benjamin banned me for life for saying he isn't flat

Hot take

Bob Kelly is so fat, when he sits around the house...his wife says, “You’re gonna die you fat pig!”